Board chat - not open to observers.
Preliminary agenda and page for draft minutes.
Thursday 13 March 2025 at 13:30 UTC.
Note: By the time this board chat occurs, Daylight Saving Time (DST) will have already started in most locations in the US. In Europe, however, the DST change for most countries will take place on March 30, which is after this board chat.
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Meeting not open to observers.
OSMF move to the EU: Feedback requested on the draft Belgian Articles of Association, cleaned-up by Craig
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The OSMF board is considering relocating the OSMF to the EU / creating a subsidiary. Reasons stated include the EU database protection rights (see information by Simon Poole). A move to the EU means that we have to move the Contributor Term agreements.
See Board/Background/OSMF_relocation_or_subsidiary. The Belgian lawyers had drafted Articles of Association in 2024. Craig Allan (Chairperson) has recently cleaned them up and sent them to the board requesting feedback. |
Topic proposed by Dorothea and approved by Héctor. |
FPOSM trademark agreement ends on 2025-03-30
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OSMF's two-year agreement with FPOSM, allowing them to use the OSMF trademarks, ends on 2025-03-30.
Fédération des Pros d'OSM (FPOSM) is an organisation created by French people professionally active in OSM. On 2023-03-30 the OSMF board voted and granted Fédération des Pros d'OSM (FPOSM) a 2 year trademark licence on the OpenStreetMap name. The trademark agreement between OSMF and FPOSM was sent on 2023-04-28. Since 2023 there is ongoing work by Arnalie Vicario (at the time board member and LCCWG liaison) and the LCCWG on an OSMF affiliation scheme, which it was hoped it would be in place before the agreement ends, so that FPOSM would enter that scheme. Arnalie's board term ended on 2024-10-19 and she continues the communications with FPOSM as an LCCWG member. The LCCWG is in contact with Julien Coupey of FPOSM and Julien attended one of the LCCWG meetings in late 2024. The two-year agreement with FPOSM ends on 2025-03-30. |
Topic proposed by Dorothea and approved by Héctor. |
2025 board face-to-face meeting - Status and any updates
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"The Board operates virtually across the globe and there are few opportunities face-to-face contact between members, which is an impediment to building personal relationships. As a consequence of this dispersed operational style there is a custom of holding one annual face-to-face meeting to build good working relationships between members and at the same time to set the direction of the Foundation for the coming year."
The board plans to have a face-to-face board meeting in May-June 2025 in Milan. Board internal reference: Previous board discussions:
Topic proposed by Dorothea and approved by Héctor. |
Distribution of Meta sponsorships to regional SotMs - Status and any updates
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The board has agreed to facilitate the distributions of sponsorships of two OSMF Corporate Members to 8 regional SotMs via OSMF. More specifically:
-- FOSS4G/SotM Oceania 2024 - Bronze, EUR 1547.54 Meta sponsorships: selection of regional SotMs The list of proposed SotMs and amounts was approved by Meta. Meta will also carry the 5% overhead fee specified in the SotM distribution agreement. On sponsorship processing status
Discussion will be on the status and the processing. About the distribution of sponsorships to regional SotM conferences Previous board discussions:
Related board resolutions:
Topic proposed by Dorothea and approved by Héctor. |
Mikel has emailed the board and asked for feedback.
Topic proposed by Dorothea and approved by Héctor.
Improving board operations and action items' management
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The board action item list on the public board GitLab repository is not working optimally, in contrast to the private board GitLab repository, which works well.
Proposal to review the workflow for action item assignment and completion, considering the voluntary nature of the work. |
Topic proposed by Craig. |
Renewal of Dorothea's contract
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Dorothea's contract ends in March. |
Topic proposed by Craig. |