Contractors and employees
The OSMF board, Working Groups and the Committees largely consist of volunteers. In some circumstance we also bring on individuals for paid work as employees or contractors for the Foundation, and additionally companies contracted for specific services.
Long term paid individuals
- 2022-05-01 onwards Grant Slater (Github profile) - Senior Site Reliability Engineer
Individual contractors
Long term
- 2021-09 onwards Martin Raifer (Github profile) to work on iD development. Funding/contract renewal decisions: 2024-08
- 2017-now Michelle Heydon - Accountant.
- 2016-now Dorothea Kazazi (OSM wiki profile) - Administrative assistant. Funding/contract renewal decisions: 2017-04, 2019-02, 2019-11, 2021-04, 2023-03, 2024-02
Recurring individual contractors
- Recurring, Allen Gunn (Aspiration Tech and since 2022-05 member of the OSM Foundation's Finance Committee) for facilitating some of the annual board face-to-face or screen-to-screen meetings: 2024-05 (Funding decision), 2023-06, 2023-03 (decision), 2022-02, 2021-02 (Funding decision), 2020-10, 2020-03, 2019-05 (Funding decision), 2015-02, 2014-02
Prior contractors
- 2020-09 - 2021-04 Quincy Morgan (Github profile) - iD developer, Funding decision 2020-09
- - 2017 Vivien Sheehan - Accountant (retired)
Service contracts
- 2023 to now [CWG related] Airtable
- 2023-12 to now
- 2023-10 Agio Legal - Funding decision
- 2020-05 to now [CWG related] DeepL - machine translation services
- 2021-now Bank of Ireland Resolutions to open bank accounts: 2021/Res21, 2021/Res22
- 2021-now
- 2020-now Triodos Bank
- 2020-now Cloud68 Renewal of contract 2021-04
- 2019-now Loomio Initial funding decision 2019-12
- Recurring annually, Opavote (online voting platform): 2014 - present
- Recurring annually, (ticketing software for the international State of the Map conference): 2021, 2022
- <2016-now PayPal
- <2016-now [LWG related] Lawdit - Solicitors
- <2016-now [LWG related] Clarivate (Compumark) - Trademark watch
Past contractors
- 2020-2021 Transferwise - financial services
- 2020 Chater Allan to prepare our statutory accounts, make the assessment of Corporation Tax and file our accounts with Companies House, Funding decision 2020-04
- - 2020-06 Barclays Bank
- 2015-2016 Skrill - financial services (used to retrieve money donated to us through "Flattr").
Short term contracted individuals
Past contractors
- 2024 [CWG related] Bushaw Creative - Design website for OSM's 20th birthday.
- 2023 [EWG related] Paul Norman (OSM wiki profile: Pnorman) - Vector Tiles project. Funding decision 2023-12 (Page deleted)
- 2023 [EWG related] Gregory Igelmund (GitHub profile: grekko) - Ability to mute other users. Bid and EWG funding decision 2023-10. Duration: ~ 2023-10 to 2024-01.
- 2023 [EWG related] Paul Norman (OSM wiki profile: Pnorman) - Vector Tile rendering stack proposal by Paul Norman. Funding decision 2023-06
- 2023 Bushaw Creative - Redesign of Funding decisions 2023-08: first and second. New website here.
- 2023 Courtney Williamson - Consulting for OSMF fundraising 2023. Funding decision 2023-03 - Cancelled 2023-07.
- 2023 [MWG related] Lemniscus for work on CiviCRM, Funding decision 2023-03
- 2022 Harry Wood (OSM wiki profile: Harry_Wood) - For two weeks work on the content migration from to (powered by Discourse). Funding decision 2022-10.
- 2021 Guillaume Rischard (OSMF Treasurer, OSM wiki profile: Stereo) - For work to resolve the blockage of PayPal and TransferWise accounts. Funding decision 2021-05
- 2021 [MWG related] Lemniscus for work on CiviCRM, Funding decision 2021-01
- 2020 [MWG related] Jon Goldberg for work on CiviCRM
- 2020 Sarah Hoffmann (OSM wiki profile: lonvia) Proposal for work on Nominatim, Funding decision 2020-08)
- Parts of results from Split addr:* tags into words before adding to the search index, POIs with unknown addr:place must add parent name to address, fix two typos, Switch configuration to dotenv
- Parts of results from Improve guessing of labels for Nominatim results
- 2020 Richard Fairhurst (OSM wiki profile: Richard) Proposal for work on porting Potlatch 2 to the desktop, Funding decision 2020-08
- Potlatch 3 is here!] (diary entry on result of work)
- 2020 Jochen Topf (OSM wiki profile: Joto) - Proposal for work on osm2pgsql, Funding decision
- 2012 Andy Allan (OSM wiki profile: Gravitystorm) openstreetmap-website implementation of license change to ODbL
- 2019-10 - 2020 [MWG related] Mollie, payment processor (Paypal-like service integrated with CiviCRM)
The Foundation's microgrants programs also makes funds available for project work. You can find details on the Microgrants program here
- This page is a work in progress and contains data from the more recent years.
- Working Groups can contract people directly. While this page was created initially to list people contracted/hired directly by the board, Working Groups are of course free to enrich it.