Contractors and employees

From OpenStreetMap Foundation

The OSMF board, Working Groups and the Committees largely consist of volunteers. In some circumstance we also bring on individuals for paid work as employees or contractors for the Foundation, and additionally companies contracted for specific services.

Long term paid individuals


  • 2022-05-01 onwards Grant Slater (Github profile) - Senior Site Reliability Engineer

Individual contractors

Long term

Recurring individual contractors

Prior contractors

Service contracts

Past contractors

  • 2020-2021 Transferwise - financial services
  • 2020 Chater Allan to prepare our statutory accounts, make the assessment of Corporation Tax and file our accounts with Companies House, Funding decision 2020-04
  • - 2020-06 Barclays Bank
  • 2015-2016 Skrill - financial services (used to retrieve money donated to us through "Flattr").

Short term contracted individuals

Past contractors


The Foundation's microgrants programs also makes funds available for project work. You can find details on the Microgrants program here


  • This page is a work in progress and contains data from the more recent years.
  • Working Groups can contract people directly. While this page was created initially to list people contracted/hired directly by the board, Working Groups are of course free to enrich it.