Sponsorship support and distribution for local SotM

From OpenStreetMap Foundation

The OpenStreetMap Foundation will work with local State of the Map event organisers to accept and pass on sponsorship funds.

For organisers of local State of the Map events, it can be a large burden to get access to corporate procurement systems in order to arrange payment of sponsorships. It is also a burden for points of contacts at companies to facilitate this process, and makes for a more complicated budgeting and approval process.

The OSM Foundation has completed the procurement system sign up process for several corporate members. OSMF is already in contact with corporate members on funding through membership, event sponsorship and donation campaigns. Consolidated requests open the opportunity for more approved fundraising requests across local chapters and communities

Note that the OSMF currently does not directly sponsor local and regional events.

The OSMF may also be able to help with connections to sponsors or act as an intermediary to receive funds to be passed on to the local organizers.

What OSMF needs from you

Please read this section of important information carefully.

Get in touch with the OSMF as soon as you are considering sponsorship distribution through OSMF. You should request support at least 6 months or earlier before the conference.

You will also have to apply and be approved for SotM Quick Licence to use the SotM trademark and to be provided this support, or otherwise qualify to organized a SotM event as a local chapter.

Email board@openstreetmap.org with the following pertinent details:

  • Budget breakdown for the conference, including target amount for sponsorship.
  • Sponsorship levels, and prospectus prepared for sponsors.
  • Details of who you will approach for sponsorship, and which entities might necessitate this service.
  • Details on who will receive the funds, and detailed bank information together with the signed agreement (link below). We require the receiving entity to be a registered local entity and good standing, with a bank account that can manage international wires.

The OSMF Board will evaluate and decide on whether to enter the agreement. An application does not guarantee support from OSMF. Further, it will still be up to the sponsors which events they will support. It is very important to be clear with sponsors about this arrangement early in your discussions.

Sponsorship Distribution Agreement for local SotM

Download template file here (file size: 42 KB, filetype: *.odt)

Requests received
