
From OpenStreetMap Foundation

Votes below. Draft minutes to be added.

The topics of the agenda got locked one week before the meeting, on 2023-09-21.

Date and time: Thursday 28 September 2023 at 15:00 UTC - Countdown

Location: Video room
using BigBlueButton.



Board members

["talk" time*] Name (role, notes)

  • [05'] Craig Allan
  • [26'] Guillaume Rischard (Chairing)
  • [08'] Mateusz Konieczny
  • [08'] Mikel Maron
  • [12'] Roland Olbricht (joined ~ 9' after start)
  • [14'] Sarah Hoffmann

*Includes time when the microphone was activated due to noise.

Officers and board

Not Present

  • Arnalie Vicario


  • 19 guests, including Kauê de Moraes Vestena and Dolores Reis (presenters)

Open to all OSMF members.

You are welcome to ask questions or to comment (via voice or on the chat) at the end of the meeting.

  • Please mute your microphone when you join, and to preserve bandwidth, refrain from turning on your webcam.
  • If you are in a low-bandwidth environment, you may benefit from using BigBlueButton's low-bandwidth settings. To assess them, click on the 3 dots on the top right of the black video-window.


Previous minutes

Circular Resolutions

2023/Res24 Approve active contributor membership application #2023081410000461

The Board currently decides on active contributor membership applications based on non-mapping contributions on a case-by-case basis.

Rejected on 2023-09-01 with 5 votes in against: Mikel Maron, Roland Olbricht, Guillaume Rischard (Please map a bit more to qualify), Mateusz Konieczny (Thanks for mapping! But for purely mapping contribution 42 days of mapping are required, with an automatic qualification), Sarah Hoffmann (For purely mapping contribution 42 days of mapping are required)
2 did not vote: Arnalie Vicario, Craig Allan.

Application initially processed by the Membership Working Group.

2023/Res25 Approve active contributor membership application #2023081510000146

The Board currently decides on active contributor membership applications based on non-mapping contributions on a case-by-case basis.

Approved on 2023-09-01 with 5 votes in favour: Guillaume Rischard, Mikel Maron, Roland Olbricht, Sarah Hoffmann, Mateusz Konieczny (I think that this contributions are enough to cover at least that 9 missing mapping days (33 mapping days present already in last year). And thanks for your contributions!)
2 did not vote: Arnalie Vicario, Craig Allan.

Application initially processed by the Membership Working Group.

2023/Res26 Approve active contributor membership application #2023082510000074

The Board currently decides on active contributor membership applications based on non-mapping contributions on a case-by-case basis.

Approved on 2023-09-05 with 4 votes in favour: Arnalie Vicario, Mikel Maron, Sarah Hoffmann, Roland Olbricht (Not sure about 2023 activity. Google finds references to [link to staff page of GIS organisation] and SotM 2022 [link to presentation] so I assume that there is still activity.)
3 did not vote: Craig Allan, Guillaume Rischard, Mateusz Konieczny.

Application initially processed by the Membership Working Group.

2023/Res27 Financial Statements Financial Year 2022

Approval that the attached1 documents represent the financial situation of the OpenStreetMap Foundation.

These are for fiscal year 2022 which is 01 Jan to 31 Dec for us. The formal report at the AGM 2023 will contain these documents in the ultimately submitted form, although they are then almost a year old, because UK law requires so.

With the approval vote you indicate that the records are complete and correct. These drafts then become final without further changes.

Approved on 2023-09-08 with 5 votes in favour: Arnalie Vicario, Guillaume Rischard, Mikel Maron, Roland Olbricht, Sarah Hoffmann.
1 did not vote: Craig Allan.
1 disagreed: Mateusz Konieczny ("number of employees during the year was 8 (2021 - 7)." in "2022 draft accounts (2).pdf" is, as far as I know, inaccurate.

It is in "EMPLOYEES AND DIRECTORS" so maybe it count our single employee, without counting contractors? And counts OSMF board?

In such case, are we allowed to state "The average number of employees during the year was 1, average number of directors was 7". Or maybe "number of unpaid directors was 7".


Or is it phrasing that we cannot change, even if it is misleading?)

Circular by Roland Olbricht.

1 Note: Asked to not publish the attachments, as they contain the word "draft" and might create confusion.

2023/Res28 Appeal to ban by moderation on by NorthCrab

The board has received an appeal from user NorthCrab to a ban issued by the forum moderation team. See

The board decides that the actions of moderator apm-wa were correct and the appeal against the ban is denied. Detailed justification, see

Circular passed on 2023-09-13 with 6 votes in favour: Arnalie Vicario, Guillaume Rischard, Mikel Maron, Roland Olbricht, Sarah Hoffmann, Mateusz Konieczny (With following notes:
- intro should be edited to be less confusing (due to "Please do not edit this page." I put it onto agenda of the next meeting)
- I want to recognize significant very helpful NorthCrab activity (though it does not mean that someone has credit to break rules)
- block applied only to forum and is a relatively short one).
1 did not vote: Craig Allan.

Circular by Sarah Hoffmann.

2023/Res29 Approve active contributor membership application #2023090910000085

The Board currently decides on active contributor membership applications based on non-mapping contributions on a case-by-case basis.

Approved on 2023-09-17 with 4 votes in favour: Arnalie Vicario, Mikel Maron, Roland Olbricht, Sarah Hoffmann.
3 did not vote: Craig Allan, Guillaume Rischard, Mateusz Konieczny.

Application initially processed by the Membership Working Group.

2023/Res30 Approve active contributor membership application #2023091410000137

The Board currently decides on active contributor membership applications based on non-mapping contributions on a case-by-case basis.

Rejected on 2023-09-26 with 4 votes against: Mikel Maron, Roland Olbricht, Sarah Hoffmann, Mateusz Konieczny (Thanks for mapping! For purely mapping contribution there is an automatic qualification for 42 days of mapping within last year. This manual applications with a vote are rather for people who contribute in way other than mapping. If there are such significant contributions: I do not see them listed. I would encourage you to map a bit more and apply when 42 days of mapping are reached.)
3 did not vote: Arnalie Vicario, Craig Allan, Guillaume Rischard,.

Application initially processed by the Membership Working Group.

Action item updates

Public board action items - About
Filter by assignee Arnalie Craig Guillaume Mateusz Mikel Roland Sarah Not assigned
Filter by milestone
2023 Q1
2023 Q2
2023 Q3
2023 Q4
Completion time not specified
Filter by label Example: any label # labels here (non-clickable)

Treasurer's report

This month's report is here.

Draft minutes to be added.

Secretary's report

Draft minutes to be added.

Interpretation of the etiquette guidelines

Draft minutes to be added.

Vote: Etiquette guidelines and profanity

Motion: According to the board there is no explicit reference to profanity in the Etiquette Guidelines and the board asks the moderators to always seek for the intent of the people who have written the message, interpreting whether a message is inappropriate or not.

Approved on 2023-09-28 with 6 votes in favour: Craig Allan, Guillaume Rischard, Mateusz Konieczny, Mikel Maron, Roland Olbricht, Sarah Hoffmann.
1 did not vote: Arnalie Vicario (absent).

Motion by Roland Olbricht.

Approval of up to GBP 4000 for investigating how to transfer Contributor Term agreements on a move to the EU

Suggested by Sarah Hoffmann.

Draft minutes to be added.

Approve budget of GBP 4000 for Agio to investigate how to transfer the Contributor Term agreements on a move to the EU. Guillaume is tasked to find an additional law firm and establish contact, independent of this budget

Motion: Approve budget of GBP 4000 for Agio to investigate how to transfer Contributor Term agreements on a move to the EU. In addition, Guillaume is tasked to find an additional law firm and establish contact, independent of this budget.

Approved on 2023-09-28 with 5 votes in favour: Craig Allan, Mateusz Konieczny, Mikel Maron, Roland Olbricht, Sarah Hoffmann.
1 abstained: Guillaume Rischard.
1 did not vote: Arnalie Vicario (absent).

Motion by Sarah Hoffmann.

Proposed draft policy on project-wide suspensions and bans

Draft minutes to be added.

Vote: Put the proposed project-wide policy on suspensions and bans into action. Revisit the topic next month. Roland to to start a discussion on and inform the board about the feedback

Motion: Put the proposed project-wide policy on suspensions and bans into action. Second, to revisit the topic next month. And third, as an action item for me (Roland Olbricht) to start a discussion on about this or to watch out for discussions taking place there and inform the board about the feedback, having an informed discussion next month.

Approved on 2023-09-28 with 4 votes in favour: Craig Allan, Guillaume Rischard, Mikel Maron, Roland Olbricht..
1 againsted: Mateusz Konieczny (not opposed to the policy, but opposed to introducing it before giving community a chance to comment).
1 abstained: Sarah Hoffmann.
1 did not vote: Arnalie Vicario (absent).

Motion by Roland Olbricht.

Approval of strategic plan

Draft minutes to be added.

Vote: Adopt the strategic plan

Motion: Adopt the strategic plan (historic link to content on the OSMF website)

Approved on 2023-09-28 with 6 votes in favour: Craig Allan, Guillaume Rischard, Mateusz Konieczny, Mikel Maron, Roland Olbricht, Sarah Hoffmann.
1 did not vote: Arnalie Vicario (absent).

Motion by Roland Olbricht.

Post-meeting note: Strategic Plan

Termination of Local Chapter agreement with Open Knowledge Belgium

Draft minutes to be added.

Vote: Accept the termination of the Local Chapter agreement, requested by the Open Knowledge Foundation Belgium, effective immediately

Motion: Accept the termination of the Local Chapter agreement, requested by the Open Knowledge Foundation Belgium, effective immediately.

Approved on 2023-09-28 with 5 votes in favour: Craig Allan, Guillaume Rischard, Mateusz Konieczny,, Roland Olbricht, Sarah Hoffmann.
2 did not vote: Arnalie Vicario (absent), Mikel Maron (absent).

Motion by Sarah Hoffmann.

Monthly presentation

Presentations by Kauê de Moraes Vestena and Dolores Reis (OSM community in Brazil).

Any other business

Draft minutes to be added.

Guest comments or questions

No comments or questions during this section.

Next meetings

Open board meetings take place online monthly: currently on the last Thursday of the month.

See the Monthly Board meetings page to find out where board meetings are announced and for a subscription link to have future board meetings automatically added to your calendar. The dates of public board meetings are also added to
