Moderation team for talk and osmf-talk mailing lists
Moderation team for
- mailing list (archive of all messages)
- mailing list for OpenStreetMap Foundation members (archive of all messages, become a member of the OpenStreetMap Foundation) and
- the categories "general", "general:tagging", and "foundation" on
as per the Etiquette Guidelines, following the process for moderation.
Moderated spaces
About the and mailing lists
The persons listed on this page were approved by the OSMF board on 2022-05-23 to moderate the and the mailing lists, as per the Etiquette Guidelines, following the process for moderation. is the mailing list for all OpenStreetMap community members. is the mailing list for OpenStreetMap Foundation members. Prior to the approval of the moderators, the osmf-talk mailing list was moderated by the Membership Working Group (MWG).
The "general", "general:tagging", and "foundation" channels on
On November 2022 the self-appointed @forums-governance team on reached out to the team to see whether its members would be interested in becoming moderators on the Discourse forum at The moderators team voted and unanimously agreed. The following channels on are currently moderated by the team: "general", "general:tagging", and "foundation". By special request, the moderators have also been asked at times to adjudicate alleged violations of the Etiquette Guidelines in other channels, case by case.
The Etiquette Guidelines developed for the talk lists are applied to the community Discourse forum as well. Since the forum offers additional tools for moderation (e.g., temporary blocks of entire threads, hiding of offensive posts), moderation on the forum will differ somewhat from that exercised on the talk and osmf-talk lists.
Note on moderators of other OSM Foundation-hosted mailing lists and channels on
Please note that:
- The channel on help-and-support:tagging is different from the general:tagging channel and has different moderators.
- Other mailing lists hosted by the OpenStreetMap Foundation and other channels on (also hosted by the OSM Foundation) have different moderators.
This page also hosts links to pages describing global bans imposed by other moderators under the global ban policy.
Contact us
Talk and osmf-talk mailing lists
If you want to report a moderation issue related to either the or the mailing list, please email
Email information
- Please use the email subject format: Moderation - [Brief description of issue]
- Please link to the email message(s) related to the issue on the mailing list archives. The archives of the two mailing lists are osmf-talk mailing list archive and talk mailing list archive , and you can find the emails there.
Categories "general", "general:tagging", and "foundation" on
If you want to report a moderation issue related to the categories above, please use the "report" button on the message with the issue. Alternately, you may message @mods-general using the forum's internal messaging system.
On time of response
Please also note that moderators are volunteers and live in different time zones, so some time might be needed before you receive a response.
Rules applied and process for moderation
- Etiquette
- Etiquette Guidelines
- Process for moderation
- Moderation Team Guidelines
- Project-wide suspension and ban policy
Minutes are provided by the team to the OSMF board.
- 2023-08-15
- 2023-05-23
- 2023-04-28
- 2023-03-29
- 2023-01-23
- 2022-12-21
- 2022-10-20
- 2022-09-13
- 2022-07-19
- 2022-06-22
Global Bans
- 2024-03-04 Global ban of user geocodec aka beautifulplaces.
- 2023-08-24 Etiquette Violations by user Adamant1 - OSMF Board of Directors global ban of Adamant1 for one year.
Moderation Team Votes
Year 3
- 2025-03-07 Etiquette Violations by user NinaNesterovaOSM - Decision to ratify forum admin's decision to ban this user from participation in the community forum, and setting duration of the ban at 10 years.
Year 2
- 2024-05-23 2024 Annual report
- 2024-04-20 Etiquette Violations by user slice0 - Decision to suspend this user from participation in the community forum for a period of four weeks (28 days).
- 2023-08-22 Etiquette Violation by user NorthCrab - Decision to suspend this user from participation in the community forum for a period of four weeks (28 days).
- 2023-06-10 Etiquette Violation by user Wynndale - Decision to suspend this user from participation in the community forum and mailing lists for a period of four weeks (28 days).
Year 1
- 2023-05-23 2023 Annual Report
- 2023-05-06 Etiquette Violation by user Marc_marc - Decision to suspend this user from the talk list for a period of 7 days.
- 2023-02-06 Etiquette Violations by user Mariotomo - Decision to suspend this user from participation in the community forum and mailing lists for a period of 14 days.
- 2023-02-04 Etiquette Violations by user fititnt - Decision to suspend this user from participation in the community forum and mailing lists for a period of 28 days.
- 2022-12-28 Complaint about posts by OSM Community Member Lutz - Decision to suspend this user from participation in the community forum and mailing lists for 1 week.
- 2022-11-22 Request to moderate on
- 2022-07-16 Block access to offensive talk list messages
- 2022-07-16 Incident Response Anja Xhakani <>