Board/Minutes/2022-02-S2S/Action items and decisions

From OpenStreetMap Foundation

Action items from 2022-02 board screen-to-screen meeting

Draft. Links to the individual sessions and the goal list to be added.


  • to turn the "must" goals of the goal list into action items at the March board meeting.
  • to rework Corporate Membership tiers [Session: Fundraising]
  • to make up a table with (date, board member, local chapter/other interest group/communication channel) where we keep track whether the people on the respective channel have heard of us or not. [Session: Board communication]
  • to check all of the tasks that Dorothea is doing and seeing if they are all documented (steps, accounts, etc.). If there are undocumented ones, then have them documented. [Session: Mitigating bus factors]
  • Guillaume, Mikel and Roland to attend AspirationTech seminar on fundraising.

Amanda McCann

  • to ask the State of the Map organising committee what they think about the idea of restricting State of the Map presentations for big attribution violators [Session: Attribution - Agree on an attribution enforcement strategy]
  • to remind Advisory Board (AB) members about the attribution guidelines during the next Advisory Board meeting [Session: Attribution - Agree on an attribution enforcement strategy]
  • to ask the Special Committee on Takeover Protection for status update [Session: Takeover protection]
  • to ask the Special Committee on Takeover Protection to send any report to the board [Session: Takeover protection]
  • to start the process for circular to change the Board Conflict of Interest policy to disallow board members with conflicts of interest from participating in discussion [Session: Conflicts of Interest]
  • to start the process on a circular resolution to disallow board members with conflicts of interest from starting a circular resolution/motion on a topic [Session: Conflicts of Interest]
  • to write about early mistakes in OSM to demonstrate that OSM Board members are flawed humans [Session: Board member candidates mentoring]
  • might work on requiring board members to stand early for board elections. [Session: Board member candidates mentoring]

Eugene Villar

  • to help Jean-Marc on writing up a proposal for the minimum local chapter criteria, before the March 24 board meeting. [Session: Local Chapter minimum criteria (including formalisation/clarification on commercial activities)]
  • to ask Allan Mustard about the Local Chapter handbook - Scope handbook for becoming a local chapter and collaboration with them.

Guillaume Rischard

  • to bring the attribution topic up at the introductory meeting with Angelina Calderon, new Facebook Advisory Board representative [next week] [Session: Attribution - Agree on an attribution enforcement strategy]
  • to arrange a meeting with Robert Kaye of MusicBrainz and the board about their experience with copyright enforcement [Session: Attribution - Agree on an attribution enforcement strategy]
  • with Tobias to decide on the wording of the email to the membership about the membership prerequisites by the 3rd of March. "The board plans to adopt the following measures at the March 24 board meeting, pending feedback from the community." [Session: Membership prerequisites]
  • to have a meeting with Jean-Marc about moving OSMF out of the UK. Meeting time: Wednesday at 14:00 New York time.
  • to upload the contract of SSRE (senior site reliability engineer) on and notify the board
  • to check with the Licensing Working Group on updating the copyright page [Session: De-bottlenecking the board]

Jean-Marc Liotier

  • to write up a proposal for the minimum local chapter criteria before the March 24 board meeting. Will be supported by Eugene. [Session: Local Chapter minimum criteria (including formalisation/clarification on commercial activities)]
  • to have a meeting with Guillaume about moving OSMF out of the UK. Meeting time: Wednesday at 14:00 New York time.
  • to report to the board on Thursday, 3rd of March 2022, on the outcome of discussion with Guillaume about moving OSMF out of UK.

Roland Olbricht

  • to contact Frederik Ramm (Data Working Group - DWG) about a candidate for work on with whom the DWG has already been in contact. [From: discussion during setting the screen-to-screen agenda on the suggested topic " - Find a solution to support website development with paid work" (there was no separate session)]
  • to clean the [goal list] and share it at the next board meeting.
  • to get budget committee up and running. [Session: Budget]
  • to make inventory of the existing accounts and survey the sysadmins who have access. [Session: Mitigating bus factors]

Tobias Knerr

Mikel Maron

On leave.

Decisions, not covered by action items

Session: Membership prerequisites

  • Pending membership feedback, the Board will only accept application for new normal and associate memberships from persons who have mapped over 15 days, and have been a registered OpenStreetMap user for at least three months. The Board to instruct the Membership Working Group to implement these restrictions.
  • Pending the above, cancel the plans for a general meeting on April 30th 2022.

Session: Board communication - Discuss how to increase regular two-way communication of individual board members with the community (not necessarily speaking on behalf of the board) about OSMF related matters

  • Reach out to assess demand for office hours
  • Reach out to communities to ask if they would be interested in inviting the to whatever place they normally use for communication. Getting them to invite offloads the selection of place and the promotion to that community
  • Make more use of OSM diaries to share more about Board work, can be a report like Amanda's or a sharing [document?]
  • Start small, with a Local Chapter or a special interest group
  • Open a HackPad to track candidates and their places of conversation

Session: De-bottlenecking the board

Some to be done by Dorothea.

  • Limit the number of work in progress on the action item list. Keep the issue tracker as a backlog.
  • Assign priority to action items.
  • Include delegated working group tasks in the action items.
  • Review regularly ("MoSCow" ?)