Board/Minutes/2022-02-S2S/Goal list
< Board | Minutes | 2022-02-S2S
Board goals till the next board election, on December 2022.
Decision on 2022-02-27: The board to turn the "must" goals of the goal list into action items at the next board meeting.
Post meeting addition of links.
Board members' presence
- Amanda McCann
- Eugene Alvin Villar
- Guillaume Rischard
- Jean-Marc Liotier
- Roland Olbricht
- Tobias Knerr
Not Present
- Mikel Maron (on leave)
Officers and board
The following must be true
- Budget set up and budgetary control running smoothly with live numbers from Xero
- The fundraising framework/strategy must be ready before the end of the year
- None of the employees/contractors have left / ie people still working for us
- Decisions on tile license and attribution guidelines have been implemented
- Dublin data center is live
- Decision on moving to the EU have progressed
- (same as "could" item 1 and "should" item 2?)
- Board is doing/delegating/eliminating more tasks, and is no longer a bottleneck
- State of the Map conference in Italy was great.
- Board has actually met face to face.
- (OSMF) Email either paid or migrated
The following should be true
- SSRE (Senior Site Reliability Engineer) working full time (and is being paid)
- We have venue in the EU to set up parts of the OSMF there
- (same as "could" item 1 and "must" item 6?)
- Membership prerequisites are in place and widely accepted by the community
- Pseudonymous membership lists are publicly available ← difficult GDPR, discuss LWG first
- Communication platforms have been migrated, there's a healthy and widely adopted and successful English-language forum on open, OSMF-hosted software
- Range of anti-takeover measures in place
- Constructive relation with HOT. Trademark issues resolved.
- We have funding source proportionate to our employment plans (as regular income rather than one-off donations)
- We have incorporated the Strategic Plan in the Board monthly meetings (See Strategic plan outline)
- All major data users are providing attribution
- Some data users are providing more-than-minimum attribution that succeeds in driving additional contributions to OSM
- There are working rules on organized editing that are followed in practice
- Moderation team is in place and working effectively
- There is an effective system for supporting software work in the OSM ecosystem
- The board has budgeted multi-year funding for actual work on the API (rather than just preliminary exploratory work)
- Experimental OSMF vector tile infrastructure is in place
- Some website features requested by Working Groups have been implemented
- All past iD controversies have been resolved
- Better recruitment for and functioning of working groups
- FOSS Policy Special Committee has completed work
The following could be true
- Decision on whether to stay put in the UK or move/set-up EU main or subsidiary corporation has been decided with finality
- (same as "must" item 6 and should item 2?)
- Jochen's (Topf) data modeling research would lead to a renewed interest and activity towards improving the API (See Engineering Working Group's funding request for work towards data model changes)
- Restrictions on ODbL-only imports have been put in place
- Microgrants 2.0 (See microgrants framework)