The board had a screen-to-screen meeting on the 26th and 27th of February 2022.
The meeting was not be open to the public.
Dates and time
- Saturday 26th February, 17:00 Berlin time (time in other timezones) -- countdown
- Sunday 27th February, 09:00 Berlin time (time in other timezones) -- countdown
Board members
- Amanda McCann
- Eugene Alvin Villar
- Guillaume Rischard
- Jean-Marc Liotier
- Roland Olbricht (1st day: joined for the introductions and then ~ 2 hours after start. 2nd day: full)
- Tobias Knerr
Officers and board
- Mikel Maron (on leave)
- Allen Gunn (facilitator)
- Dorothea Kazazi (Administrative assistant)
Day 1
OSM/OSMF/Board weather report
Amanda, Eugene, Guillaume, Jean-Marc, Tobias
Membership prerequisites
Amanda, Eugene, Guillaume, Jean-Marc, Tobias
Attribution - Agree on an attribution enforcement strategy
Amanda, Guillaume, Tobias
Local Chapter minimum criteria - (including formalisation/clarification on commercial activities)
Jean-Marc, Roland
Identify more effective ways of getting foundation work done - Executive director
Amanda, Guillaume, Tobias
HOT - Define steps towards a formalized relationship with HOT
Eugene, Jean-Marc, Roland
Day 2
Goal list: Identify what we want to do in the next year, and agree on action items for the next few months
Takeover protection
Guillaume, Amanda, Jean-Marc
Roland, Tobias, Eugene
Roland, Guillaume, Tobias, Eugene, Gunner
Conflicts of interest
Jean-Marc, Amanda
Board - Consider idea of board candidacy mentoring
Amanda, Guillaume, Tobias
Board communication - Discuss how to increase regular two-way communication of individual board members with the community
(not necessarily speaking on behalf of the board) about OSMF related matters
Eugene, Jean-Marc, Roland
Mitigating bus factor risks
Amanda, Eugene, Roland
De-bottlenecking the board
Guillaume, Jean-Marc, Tobias
Action items and decisions
Input for the agenda
The following points were suggested as topics to the facilitator. The plan is to select topics during the meeting and dynamically change the list. In some cases, board members will split into two groups, each one discussing a different topic and providing a summary of the discussion to the other group.
Input list
Provided by Allen Gunn.
- Flesh out points from the strategic plan outline or deciding on how to proceed with some of the points.
- Identify what we want to do in the next year, and agree on action items for the next few months.
- Identify more effective ways of getting foundation work done
- Define steps towards a formalized relationship with HOT.
- Agree on minimum criteria for becoming a Local Chapter (LC) (including formalisation/clarification on commercial activities)
- Scope handbook for becoming an LC and collaboration with them.
- Plan out rough budget for coming years to support paying employees/contractors
- Update revenue pipeline, identify gaps and potential sources of revenue
- Agree on an attribution enforcement strategy.
- Affirm plan for moving OSMF out of the UK
- Find an additional bank as a possible replacement for Bank of Ireland and possibly a backup for Paypal*
- Agree on a shared position regarding moderation team composition (if this has not been wrapped up before the S2S).
- Corporate membership fees
- Tobias’s membership proposal
- Membership prerequisites: Work on text for proposed resolution at the April General Meeting
- Identify ideas for greater membership transparency (i.e. making it easier to scrutinize the composition of the membership and detect coordinated sign-up/takeover attempts).
- Discuss how to increase regular two-way communication of individual board members with the community (not necessarily speaking on behalf of the board) about OSMF related matters.
- Consider idea of board candidacy mentoring
- Discuss quotas for the OSMF Board
- Review conflict of interest awareness when creating circulars or voting on them
- Find a solution to support website development with paid work.
- Discuss the stagnation of our map rendering technology and other user-facing features.
Formatted list
Changed by Dorothea.
- Moving OSMF out of the UK - Affirm plan.
- Strategic plan - Flesh out points from the strategic plan
- Attribution - Agree on an attribution enforcement strategy.
- Moderation team - Agree on a shared position regarding moderation team composition (if this has not been wrapped up before the S2S).
- HOT - Define steps towards a formalized relationship with HOT.
- OSMF - Identify more effective ways of getting foundation work done.
- Identify what we want to do in the next year, and agree on action items for the next few months.
- - Find a solution to support website development with paid work.
- Map rendering technology - Discuss the stagnation of our map rendering technology and other user-facing features.
- Membership prerequisites - Work on text for proposed resolution for membership prerequisites at the April General Meeting. See Tobias’s membership proposal.
- Transparency - Identify ideas for greater membership transparency (i.e. making it easier to scrutinize the composition of the membership and detect coordinated sign-up/takeover attempts).
- Minimum criteria - Agree on minimum criteria for becoming a Local Chapter (LC) (including formalisation/clarification on commercial activities).
- Handbook - Scope handbook for becoming a local chapter and collaboration with them.
- Banking suggestion - Find an additional bank as a possible replacement for Bank of Ireland and possibly a backup for PayPal.
- Budget - Plan out rough budget for coming years to support paying employees/contractors.
- Income - Update revenue pipeline, identify gaps and potential sources of revenue.
- Income - Corporate membership fees.
Board, mainly internal
- Suggestion: mentoring - Consider idea of board candidacy mentoring.
- Suggestion: quotas - Discuss quotas for the OSMF Board.
- Conflicts of interest - Awareness when creating circulars or voting on them.
- Communication - Discuss how to increase regular two-way communication of individual board members with the community. (not necessarily speaking on behalf of the board) about OSMF related matters.