Board/Minutes/2022-02-S2S/Board member candidates mentoring
< Board | Minutes | 2022-02-S2S
Notes by participants. Might be enriched.
This session took place in parallel with "Parallel session: Board communication - Discuss how to increase regular two-way communication of individual board members with the community. (not necessarily speaking on behalf of the board) about OSMF related matters.". A summary was provided to the other group.
- Amanda McCann
- Guillaume Rischard
- Tobias Knerr (facilitating)
Not Present
- Mikel Maron
Officers and board
Post-meeting addition of links and formatting by Dorothea Kazazi.
Collaborative notes
- we don't get as many board candidates as we would like (A)
A.M: some possible board candidates were only associate members and couldn't run
T.K: Some of this has been addressed by recent Articles of Association (AoA) change allowing associate membership to count
Current/Historic (possible) problems for being a board candidate
- Needed to be a full member (not associate) to be candidate.
- addressed with recent Articles of Association change
- Some people don't like the public scrutiny/criticism
- A.M/G.R: That was a discouragement for standing
- Minimum membership length - by design.
- Outgoing board members not declaring that they are running or not until late. Lame duck issue.
- G.R: not sure this is a problem
- A.M: thinks this could be a problem
- Too large a time commitment to be a board member, which discourages people
- Some people think the OSMF is not a fun place (“toxic”, "no ponies"), or they don't want to take the flack for being a board member
- Few people participate as audience of public board meetings, low familiarity with what's involved
- People believe they have to be a professional leader or mapper or computer person (cf. David Garcias' “I'm not a leader”)
What (if anything) could be done to increase the pool of candidates
- New election rule: board members standing for election have to declare/stand before other members can stand
- unclear if this would require an Articles of Association change
- G.R: thinks it is, A.M: doesn't
- unclear if this would solve or worsen the problem
- unclear if incumbents having better chances is a problem
- unclear if this isn't solved by term limits
- unclear if this would require an Articles of Association change
- Board members are encouraged to find and convince candidates to run
- Board members in the group normally do that anyway
- T.K: it's too early to do that now (usually done in a few months)
- Ease people into it with participation on board-led committees, Working Groups, etc.
- Show OSMers that current board members are “normal” people (as if), just as flawed and stupid as them (or more)
- Reduce board workload
- Sliding deadline (last minute nominations): Board election candidacy period ends 24 hr (?) after last person stands. i.e. if someone controversial stands at the last minute, there is 24 hr for other people to stand
- Some people want to stand when they see who is or isn't on the board
Action items
- Write about early mistakes in OSM to demonstrate that OSM Board members are flawed humans.
- I might work on requiring board members to stand early.