Board/Minutes/2021-02-S2S/Action items and decisions

From OpenStreetMap Foundation

Action items









  • to create page with decisions and action items.
  • to format and transfer content of note pages to the OSMF website.

Decisions - per session

Strategic plan - Agree on plan for the plan

  • recommend that the Board publish the outline for public comment [Allan created circular]

Decide on our response to the moderation subcommittee report

  • Endorse report and recommendations. [Allan drafted email]
    • Ask subcommittee for implementation plan. Include mechanism.
    • support the call for new members joining

Discuss Membership prerequisites, steps towards Annual General Meeting (AGM) resolutions

Discuss rebooting the Engineering Working Group

  • Update Top Ten Tasks to include why it would benefit OSM [Needs assigned person/action item]
  • Be mindful of conflict of interest (note that Board already taskedWorking Groups to adopt the CoI Policy in absence of a specific Working Groups policy) [Needs process to ensure that]
    • Avoid logrolling
    • Make sure group is large enough (how?)
    • Board makes last decision for Engineering Working Group members' projects

Addressing lack of gender diversity in OSM community

  • support effort to moderate lists
  • outreach to have direct dialogue, snowball survey
    • parcel out list of folks to reach out, everyone is going to make 2-3 phone calls [Mikel to create hackmd to collect names]

Scoping exercise

Not publicly minuted. No action items or decisions.

Reality-based assessment of risks and opportunities of collaboration of work with other OSM actors

No action items or decisions.

Encouraging more volunteers to join other working groups

  • Create a volunteer appreciation program (buy and send tokens to valued community and Working Group volunteers) [Guillaume to collect names]
  • Start using Microsoft Translator + Deepl [Needs assigned person]

Discuss institutionalising budgeting and fund-raising processes

No action items or decisions.

How do we define “core”, in terms of categories (e.g. software) and what is in each category?

  • The Openstreetmap Foundation must ensure that there is at least one fully FOSS path to complete the Openstreetmap process.
  • Continue conversation.

-> Discuss at mid-month chat

Discuss paid votes, steps towards AGM resolution

  • Any action requires careful communication.
    • See above for things that are not covered by this.
    • This is part of the longer process, not relevant for next steps.
  • Investigation needs to be done [Mikel]

Discuss Local community/Chapter support and expansion

No decisions.

Decide to what extent management of financial risk should be formalized - and how to implement that

No decisions.