Board/Minutes/2021-02-S2S/Discuss local community local chapter support and expansion

From OpenStreetMap Foundation

Discuss local community/chapter support and expansion

Notes by participants. Might be enriched.

This session took place in parallel with "Decide to what extent management of financial risk should be formalized - and how to implement that". A summary was provided to the other group.



Board members

  • Allan Mustard (facilitator for this session)
  • Mikel Maron
  • Rory McCann

The rest of the board members participated in the parallel session.


Also present: Dorothea Kazazi (administrative assistant)

Collaborative notes

  • After a local chapter gets approved they don't hear from the OSMF much again. Can the board do something to ensure they get more active. [Rory]
  • Good example: FOSSGIS's view on paid staff. Ask local chapters do federated consultation and present consensus view of their community on various topics. [Mikel]
  • Local Chapters and Communities Working Group (LCCWG). survey in 2020. [Eugene]
  • Local Chapter application checklist/handbook. (#drafted by the board)
  • Existing Local Chapter (LCs) help with local chapters applications, rather than all work done by Board/Secretary. [Eugene]
  • State of the Map conference (SotM) tickets for local chapters. [Eugene]
  • Local chapters could use OSMF hosted tools (e.g. CiviCRM). [Eugene]
  • Clarify on the existence of local chapters. [Eugene]
  • Board already doing some of this, other board members helping with Local Chapters, board already working on LC application checklist. [Allan]
  • OSMF could offer discounted, or early available, State of the Map tickets to members of a local chapters. [Rory]
  • Fundraising with local chapters can be supported. [Mikel]
  • Getting in the bureaucracy of large companies is complicated, and OSMF has already done that. Could the OSMF help smaller local chapters provide financial administration support. [Mikel]
  • Should OSMF try to get tax-free status? In US or EU? [Allan]
  • OSMF could offer membership management software (CiviCRM) for local chapters to use. [Allan]
  • Local Chapters appreciate the BigBlueButton service. [Eugene]

Action items

  • Board members to review handbook for local chapters application and edit.
  • Allan to complete handbook for local chapter application.
  • Eugene to follow up with LCCWG for feedback on the application handbook.
  • Eugene to talk with Operations Working Group (OWG) about availability of server space to lend to local chapters for hosting tools/website.
  • Rory to talk to State of the Map organising committee about what the OSMF can offer to existing local chapter members for State of the Map conference 2021 (e.g. “discounted tickets” in Normal Time).
  • Rory to look at LCCWG request for OSMF to host software for them (CiviCRM?) and see if there's a solution.
  • Rory to investigate software/services the OSMF could host for local chapters/cons (e.g. alternatives to CiviCRM) pretix?