Board/Minutes/2021-02-S2S/Discuss institutionalising budgeting and fund-raising processes
< Board | Minutes | 2021-02-S2S
Initial title: Discuss institutionalising budgeting and fund-raising processes as well as oversight of our paid staff (removed as it was not discussed)
Notes by participants. Might be enriched. Some points were not included, after request.
All board members
- Allan Mustard
- Eugene Alvin Villar
- Guillaume Rischard
- Jean-Marc Liotier
- Mikel Maron
- Rory McCann
- Tobias Knerr
Also present:
- Allen Gunn facilitator)
- Dorothea Kazazi (administrative assistant)
Collaborative notes
OSM website
- last redesign 8 years ago
- Andy Allan's "room by room" renovation - API overhauling [Allan]
- API is core software
- We're having problem finding one person doing the General Data Protection Regulation work on the API [Eugene]
Human resources management as a bottleneck.
- Infrastructure/ OWG input
- Microgrant budget might be needed [Tobias]
- Engineering Working Group (EWG) budget? [Tobias]
- Support smaller project: Overpass, smaller features in editors. [Guillaume]
- OSM website: paid staff to see what the website needs to do and needs to be implemented. [Mikel]
- API: part-time maintainer to assist Andy Allan. [Allan]
- Additional sysadmin [Allan]
- Increased redundancy [hardware, software], additional nodes on network [Allan]
- Operations Working Group (OWG) is looking into redundancy [Guillaume]
- Need input from OWG until March regarding projections for X (eg 3?) years. [Mikel]
- Asking for financial support on longer than 1 year timeline [Mikel]
Estimates 750K - 1M /year
Senior Site Reliability Engineer (SSRE)
- talk with TimelessTime next week
Other points mentioned
- Budgeting of some institutions as big universities [Jean-Marc]
- Coordination of fundraising with other actors [Eugene]