Meeting on 2024 OSMF budget.
Motions and votes approved by the board during the 2024-02-29 meeting.
Date and time: Thursday, 1 February 2024, at 13:30 UTC
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Board members
- Arnalie Vicario (had to disconnect at 55' after start)
- Craig Allan (chairing from 85' after start till the end of the meeting)
- Dani Waltersdorfer (joined at 55' after start)
- Guillaume Rischard (chairing until 85' after start, when he had to disconnect)
- Mateusz Konieczny
- Roland Olbricht
- Sarah Hoffmann
Board Member Bios
Minutes by Dorothea Kazazi.
Not Present
- Harrison Devine (invited)
Meeting not open to observers or announced.
Harrison Devine presented the changes of the draft 2024 OSMF budget, compared to the version presented during the January public board meeting.
Define necessary cash reserves, allowable deficit and maximum budget
Initial motion by Sarah Hoffmann to not have a deficit more than GBP 70,000 cash / 110,000 deficit in books.
Note: Roughly corresponds to the amount necessary in order to have at the end of the year, one year spending left.
Vote on amendment to cap the 2024 budget deficit at GBP 85,820
Proposal to change the motion to: To cap the deficit at GBP 85,820 to have one year of cash at the end of the year. |
Decision: Approved on 2024-02-01 with 4 votes in favour: Craig Allan, Dani Waltersdorfer, Guillaume Rischard, Roland Olbricht. |
Amendment proposed by: Guillaume Rischard. |
Vote on tasking the Treasurer to email the Working Groups asking each WG to propose a reduced WG budget for 2024
Resolution: to task the Treasurer with sending the email to the working groups. |
Decision: Approved on 2024-02-01 with 5 votes in favour: Craig Allan, Dani Waltersdorfer, Guillaume Rischard, Roland Olbricht, Sarah Hoffmann. |
Motion proposed by: Guillaume Rischard. Seconded by: Craig Allan. |
LCCWG budget request
Topic added and discussed during the meeting.
Cutting budget to agreed on maximum
Dani Waltersdorfer joined 55 minutes after start. Arnalie Vicario had to disconnect 55 minutes after start.
Moving Grant's and Dorothea's funds under Personnel Committee's control (i.e. board spending)
Guillaume Rischard had to disconnect at 1 hour 25 minutes after start.
Vote on moving all expenses for Senior Site Reliability Engineer and Administrative Assistant to the board expenses
Resolution: (on the draft 2024 OSMF budget) to move all expenses for the Senior Site Reliability Engineer and the Administrative Assistant to the board expenses column. |
Did not pass on 2024-02-01 with 3 votes against: Craig Allan, Dani Waltersdorfer, Roland Olbricht. |
Motion proposed by: Sarah Hoffmann. Seconded by: Roland Olbricht. |
Operations Working Group contingency funds
Vote on adding EUR 6,281 / GBP 5,400 to the hardware expenses of OWG to allow for contingencies
Resolution: to add EUR 6,281 / GBP 5,400 to the hardware expenses of Operations Working Group (OWG) (on the proposed 2024 OSMF budget) to allow for contingencies. |
Decision: Approved on 2024-02-01 with 5 votes in favour: Craig Allan, Dani Waltersdorfer, Mateusz Konieczny, Roland Olbricht, Sarah Hoffmann. |
Motion proposed by: Sarah Hoffmann. Seconded by: Roland Olbricht. |
Defining the purpose of granted funds in the context of payment authorisation
Decision: Add the topic to the February board chat.
Meeting adjourned 1 hour 56 minutes after start.