Working Group Minutes/EWG 2024-08-30

From OpenStreetMap Foundation

These minutes are a draft.

Formal proceedings


  • Andrew Hain
  • Tobias Knerr
  • Mikel Maron
  • Roland Olbricht


  • Adam Hoyle
  • Robert Koeze
  • Emerson Rocha

Minutes of previous meetings

The minutes of both 02 August 2024 and 16 August 2024 have been approved.

Actual business

Membership applications

Roland and Robert will coordinate to answer the currently open membership applications and will write a boilerplate reply for future membership applications to enable faster replies.

Refactoring of OSM website notes

Gregory unfortunately has not been able to make it to this meeting.

Inquiry regarding on-premise route calculation service

Mikel volunteers to redirect the people asking towards the community forum.

Copyright page text update

The Communications Working Group has jointly with the Legal Working Group drafted better text for the copyright page to leverage the prominence.

Someone needs to implement the changes. Translations also need to be handled. Hence the two wokring groups have asked us to organize help. It's relatively simple, although there are some changes to the layout and headers. Some yaml changes are required.

Mikel will open an issue at the OpenStreetMap website repo.


The Engineering Working Group will finally discuss the templates at the next meeting on 13 Sep. Roland volunteers to ping Salim at the State of the Map conference about the templates.


We now have a venue for public discussion of the implementation of the GDPR roadmap for the website.

Andrew has recorded a talk for SotM to be delivered remotely.

Next steps:

  • Users that started before 2012 have never been forced to accept the ToS that bind all users to the GDPR obligations. The development of the code to assure that shall become part of the current bid.
  • Improve the draft on the GitHub repo
  • Look also through the code whether there are obviously loose ends
  • Keep the maintainersa of the website in the loop of all future steps to ensure that everybody is on the same page.

Andrew has recorded a talk for SotM to be delivered remotely.

Vector Tiles

The topic has been skipped.

Any other business

Engineering email recipients

A bounced mail indicated to us that there are still former members of the working group on the list. Roland shall coordinate with Dorothea to update the mailing list to the current members of the EWG.