Working Group Minutes/EWG 2024-08-02

From OpenStreetMap Foundation

These minutes are a draft.

Formal proceedings


  • Andrew Hain (off at sometimes during Vector Tiles)
  • Adam Hoyle
  • Tobias Knerr
  • Robert Koeze
  • Mikel Maron (off at 31', some minutes into Vector Tiles)
  • Roland Olbricht (10' late, at budget)
  • Emerson Rocha


  • Paul Norman (at 30', for Vector Tiles discussion)

Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting have been accepted.

Actual business

Budget rebalancing

The following motion has been proposed: The EWG manages a total budget of 133488 GBP. EWG will actively manage moving funds between line items, depending on actual spend. The EWG will evaluate expenditure and budget on a quarterly basis.

The motion has been unanimously accepted.

Membership applications

Two expressions of interest have been received via email. The meeting deems it useful to give everyone a few more days to read them. Robert will respond.

We shall collect somewhere a boilerplate quick first answer. Put the answer in a Chaospad at the EWG account. It might make sense to clarify that the EWG membership is a purely volunteer role.

Responding to inquiries about contribution opportunities

Current tasks: Robert volunteers to begin bringing together some list and pointers on the section on joining EWG.

Refactoring of OSM website notes

Postponed until Gregory can attend a meeting.

Vector Tiles

Estimate: Tilekiln will reach the budget ceiling in September.

The EWG is planning the community feedback before the Street Spirit phase of the project. Ideally, code would be live on OSMF hardware at that point. The EWG will get in contact with Paul to present the work that has been done and plans for the next phase of the project.

Progress shall be reviewed again at first EWG meeting in October. To minimize interruption, it might be good to prepare communications and get in touch with CWG early. Adam volunteers to do that.


Scope, Public discussion on GitHub.

Current tasks:

  • Andrew to officially share the Affected Services document with maintainers, including some background (EWG and LWG have looked at it and consider it the basis of a possible bid)
  • Afterwards: Andrew to create a draft for the call for bids to be published on our GitHub repo.

Postponed bceause Vector Tiles filled the meeting.


Postponed to next meeting

Any other business

No other business.