Working Group Minutes/EWG 2024-07-19
Formal proceedings
- Adam Hoyle
- Tobias Knerr
- Mikel Maron
- Roland Olbricht
- Emerson Rocha
- Robert Koeze
Minutes of previous meeting
The following minutes of previous meetings have now been completed:
The motion to accept all these minutes carried.
Actual business
Refactoring of OSM website notes
The Engineering Working Group intended to invite Gregory to this session to present his work on OpenStreetMap Notes. The working group is confident that it can accept the work as accomplished from Gregory's side at this point.
Due to a organizational mishap the invitation got the wrong date and shall be repeated at a later date.
This is the relevant pull request.
Budget rebalancing
See Mikel's mail.
Mikel will prepare a new proposal to adjust the line items for iD and Vector Tiles based on our current projections. The EWG would then adjust its budgets for these line items based on the proposal.
Recurring task: the EWG shall review its budget every quarter to ensure that it is up to date with actual expenditures.
Vector Tiles
The EWG estimates that Paul will reach the current ceiling of his contract some time in September.
The EWG therefore initiated a board circular to give Adam formal authorization to adjust the ceiling in Paul's contract, and to make explicit that up to 68 days are considered to be in the line item already right now.
The rationale is to ensure that we get at least some usable layer of vector tiles on .
Relevant links:
- Blog post:
- Demo:
Phase 1 has already been extended through a previous circular resolution internally by the EWG.
After brining initial results live, EWG would like:
- to have a discussion around it
- revised version of the initial proposal just covering the 2nd half, including costs
- more details on how Street Spirit would be maintained once funding was complete
No news this time. Postpone.
Salim and Mikel have drafted operating rules for the scoring committee.
Next step: figure out what changes are requested on this issue in the GitHub repo and whether we are comfortable with them. Review them at this meeting.
Guillaume has suggested considering past performance when evaluating applicants in the feedback discussion. The entire discussion has culminated.
Relevant links: - Proposal template: - Scoring template: - FAQ: - Discussion thread:
Responding to inquiries about contribution opportunities
Current tasks: Robert to begin bringing together some list/pointers on the section on joining EWG.
Any other business
Next meeting
Next meeting is 2024-08-02, 13:00 UTC