Working Group Minutes/EWG 2024-06-21

From OpenStreetMap Foundation

These minutes are a draft.

Formal proceedings


  • Salim Baidoun (until 30 minutes into the meeting, at "Anti-vandalism measures")
  • Andrew Hain
  • Tobias Knerr
  • Robert Koeze
  • Mikel Maron (starting 23 minutes into the meeting, at "Microgrants")
  • Emerson Rocha


  • Adam Hoyle
  • Roland Olbricht

Actual Business

Vector Tiles (Ongoing Projects)

The Engineering Working Group strives to extend phase 1 to bring the results live as soon as possible, using unused funds.

The goal is to amend the current contract to include bringing the results achieved so far live. Adam shall be asked to work out the details with Paul and bring back a tangible proposal back to EWG for a vote two weeks from now. Emerson will let Adam know about this.

GDPR (Future Projects)

Reminder: The venue to discuss the planned changes is here on GitHub.

There will be a presentation at SotM, Andrew is handling that. There won't be a presentation at SotM-EU (not enough time for SotM-EU).

Andrew to officially share the Affected Services document with maintainers, including some background (EWG and LWG have looked at it and consider it the basis of a possible bid).

Afterwards: Andrew to create a draft for the call for bids to be published on our GitHub repo. No updates yet.

Sovereign Tech Fund (STF) (Future Projects)


Refactoring of OSM website notes (Ongoing Projects)

See here for where the work currently stands.

Not merged yet, but referenced in recent activity.

Guiding volunteers to funding opportunities

The EWG strives to collect comprehensive information about opportunities in one place, including successful projects.

Later again.

Responding to inquiries about contribution opportunities

See last minutes for the context.

Robert volunteers to begin bringing together some list or pointers on the section on joining EWG.

Microgrants (Future Projects)

FAQ, Mikel's response to feedback.

Salim and Mikel will collaborate to move this forward.

iD Development (Ongoing Projects)

Mikel is in continuing coordination with Martin Raifer.

Challenges of being an open source maintainer will likely be shared by other maintainers in the OSM ecosystem, is there a possibility to build more connections for mutual support, reliance and learning?

Anti-vandalism measures

Context: there has been notable vandalism to the database in the morning hours of 13 June. This is in particular affected raster tiles in most parts of the world and as such drawn a lot of attention. The vandalism itself has been reverted within few hours, but user have reported over many days that they have seen vadalism on raster tiles.

Should this affect our priorities? Can the EWG help?

The Data Working Group, the Operations Working Group, and the board most likely are already heavily involved in dealing with this. EWG could offer our processes for funding work that the community can't handle otherwise, if necessary. Tobias shall express our availability for help by sending an email to Data Working Group.