Licensing Working Group/Minutes/2021-10-21
OpenStreetMap Foundation, Licensing Working Group (LWG) - Agenda & Minutes
21 October 2021, 18:00 UTC (originally planned for 2021-10-10)
- Dermot McNally (Chairing)
- Guillaume Rischard (OSMF board)
- Jim Vidano
- Tom Hummel
- Amanda McCann (OSMF board)
Not present
- Michael Cheng
- Kathleen Lu (on leave)
LWG member list
Minutes by Dorothea Kazazi
Adoption of past Minutes
- 2021-09-09 Accepted
Previous Action Items
- 2017-03-02 Simon to determine existing obligations towards sources listed on the copyright page.
- 2017-05-04 All/Simon to review import guidelines with regards to licence “approval”.
- 2018-03-08 All to look at the Working Groups collecting personal information.
- 2018-04-12 LWG to follow-up on the iD editor, as the number of changesets is now included on the changeset comments thread.
- 2019-01-10 Simon to draft text to developers of apps related to geo/mapping, having OSM in their names or using variations of our logo.
- 2019-02-14 Simon to summarise the advice regarding information requests from law enforcement and send it around.
- 2019-12-12 Simon to discuss trademark registration strategy (more countries, additional classes, etc) with lawdit
- 2020-01-09 Simon to include text about downstream produced works to the FAQ.
- 2020-03-12 Simon to send to Mateusz the link with the research by Kathleen on attribution on various apps.
- 2020-09-10 Simon to set-up call with Kathleen and our UK lawyer about trademarks.
- 2020-10-08 Jim to work on updating the privacy policy in relation to OSMF's use of a commercial CDN, and Kathleen will have a look at it.
- 2020-10-08 Simon and Guillaume to look at the translation issue of the copyright policy page.
- 2020-10-08 Simon to send his Moovit contact to Guillaume.
- 2020-10-08 Simon to send a summary of which action items need to be done.
- 2021-01-14 Guillaume to report on Board status re identification of outside counsel
- 2021-02-11 Kathleen to check LWG-specific membership requirements on the OSMF website and Conflict of Interest policy and provide to Dorothea any updates for the website.
- 2021-03-11 Guillaume to sort out various email issues -
Making sure Dermot is on the main legal mailing issue, making sure everyone is getting OTRS email notifications for the legal queue. - 2021-07-08 Guillaume to meet with Dermot about using OTRS.
- 2021-07-08 LWG members to provide comment on the HOT draft trademark agreement on the next meeting.
- 2021-07-08 Tom to reply to the gdpr_openstreepmap.org_tsfkd@ email.
- 2021-07-08 Jim to look at next steps for paperwork after the trademark request has been approved by the board.
- 2021-07-08 Dermot to ask Tobias for expected outcome regarding the request for change of the text of the standard tile license.
2021-07-08 Guillaume to ask Simon for more information regarding his question if our trademark was converted to an UK trademark, and is the EU one is still valid.- 2021-08-12 Tom to suggest text to be published regarding OSMF's legitimate interest in processing personal data.
- 2021-08-12 Dermot to reply to Tobias about simplifying the text of the tile licence.
- 2021-08-12 Dermot to make the pull request on Github openstreemap-website regarding attribution requirements for OSMF tiles
- 2021-08-12 Tom to ping Lawdit regarding the Japanese trademark process.
- 2021-08-12 Dermot to communicate back to contacts regarding Australian data attribution and suggest filling the waiver template.
- 2021-08-12 LWG to identify OSMF legal texts that might be needed under German law to be in German.
- 2021-09-09 Jim to ask Simon whether he has previous emails contacting companies that were not displaying attribution.
- 2021-09-09 Guillaume to check past emails (e.g. last year ones related to case in Germany where they settled in court) for any sent to companies not complying with attribution requirements and to send what he finds, including links to the Github repositories with the lists of not complying organisations, to the Signal group.
- 2021-09-09 Jim to have create a draft template email for the community to contact organisations regarding non compliance with the attribution guidelines
- 2021-09-09 Dermot to reply to Jean-Marc Liotier (board member) with the LWG decision to create a template email for minor cases of non-compliance with the attribution guidelines available to the community and the LWG to directly contact bigger companies.
- 2021-09-09 LWG to ask Tom in a week (2021-09-16) on Signal if anything needs to be done regarding the Japanese trademark.
Reportage and action item updates
No updates.
Check OTRS tickets
OTRS is an issue/ticket tracker used by several Working Groups of the OpenStreetMap Foundation.
No updates.
Followup on clarifying our approach to data deletion requests
Carried over from September meeting.
There is a draft by Tom.
Followup on Japanese trademark process
Background |
The OpenStreetMap trademark is registered in Japan by 一般社団法人オープンストリートマップ・ファウンデーション・ジャパン / OSMF-Japan (which is the Local Chapter in Japan). The trademark is in the process of being transferred by OSMF-Japan to OSMF.
Carried over from September meeting. |
Satoshi (OSMF Japan) asked OSMF about the status of the transfer of the Japanese trademark. Tom (LWG) asked Lawdit who would contact the Japanese agent. Lawdit was asked to respond to as Tom will be away for some days.
Suggestion: proactively pay for the renewal.
Action item: Tom to email Lawdit again, ask if there is anything that OSMF can do and cc the LWG.
Deletions in response to threats of legal action
Background |
Prompted by a recent email thread in which there was a demand for removal of a feature on OSM, which no longer existed. In the thread , the matter of having a standard response for such cases was discussed. |
Suggestion: transfer it to the Data Working Group (DWG) queue.
Other points mentioned
- In the past the DWG has sent people to the actual physical location to check the situation.
- The LWG should not direct people to OSM notes to solve such issues.
LWG explicitly noted in email thread about potential policies around venues for State of the Map events
Background by LWG member |
The premise was around whether OSM should have policies to influence whether State of the Map branding should be permitted for events in “places that are LGBTQ*/etc unsafe”. Various discussion, and a note that this topic is also before the Board. |
Amanda McCann (board member who included the LWG in the email discussion) was present during the discussion.
Points mentioned:
- A State of the Map conference (SotM) policy regarding the issue will be probably voted by the board within the next month.
- The trademark applications get approved by LWG and State of the Map organising committee (SotM WG) and then signed by the board.
Trademark notices
Nothing noticeable.
Any other business
HOT trademark
No update.
New meeting time on a trial basis
18:00 UTC
Next meeting
11 November 2021, 18:00 UTC, unless rescheduled.