
From OpenStreetMap Foundation
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Board members

  • Arnalie Vicario
  • Craig Allan (until ~8' after start)
  • Daniela Waltersdorfer
  • Mateusz Konieczny
  • Sarah Hoffmann

Not Present

  • Guillaume Rischard
  • Roland Olbricht

Officers and board

Minutes by Dorothea Kazazi.


Meeting not open to observers.

Debrief of our transition plan discussed in-person at SotM 2024

Suggested by Dani Waltersdorfer.

Topic about the transition from the old board to the new board after the October 2024 board election.

Craig has created and shared notes from the informal board meeting held during the State of the Map 2024 (SotM 2024) conference in Nairobi. The discussion focused on the handover of tasks and the transition plan between the outgoing and incoming board following the October board election. The key points discussed were as follows:

Transition details

  • Transition plan created for departing board members. Mateusz, Sarah and Arnalie have specified the tasks they will hand over to the new board.
  • Management of Dorothea Kazazi assigned to Craig.
  • New board members will be offered the chance to assist with ongoing matters as secondary support. Rationale: Assigning them as the sole person responsible might be overwhelming.

Board internal communication

  • It was decided to make the board's Matrix chat channel private, with a new channel created that is no longer bridged to IRC.

SotM 2024 board reimbursements

OSMF policy on expense claims

The board agreed that the following State of the Map 2024 related costs of board members can be reimbursed:

  • Taxis
  • Vaccinations
  • Flights
  • Visa costs
  • Conference tickets may be refunded by the SotM Working Group.

Food expenses will not be reimbursed.

Complaints about board members

The wording below was agreed by the board members present during this meeting.

If/when a member of the community makes a complaint about a board member, the Board will investigate the matter regardless of personal views or relationship with said board member.

On attribution activity

  • Mateusz intends to send an official letter to a company regarding the [repository absence of OSM attribution and will provide the text to the board for review and to support such action.
  • Mateusz may also submit a proposal to the new board that could require board action. He has not yet completed all the necessary materials, but once his board term concludes, he is likely to have more time to do so.

Craig had connection issues and was unable to reconnect after this discussion.

Board attendance at regional State of the Map conferences

The board discussed the possibility of board members attending regional SotM conferences (Europe, Latin America, Asia, Africa).


  • It would be good for at least one board member to attend regional conference events, when possible.
  • Board members interested in attending a regional SotM conference should submit a circular outlining their reasons for attending, how they will promote the Foundation, and how they will support the local community.

Dani expressed interest in attending SotM Latam, will reach out to the organisers regarding giving a talk, will research the costs, and may submit a circular.

Company's offer to help

Suggested by Mateusz Konieczny.

Mateusz made contact with a company at SotM Europe EU 2024, and they followed up via email. They are interested in offering part-time work from one of their employees. Areas mentioned: tiles, map design, PostGIS, and infrastructure.


  • We would need to supervise their work, which would create additional responsibilities for us.
  • There is already a bottleneck of OSM-related repositories with numerous pull requests, and adding more might not be beneficial.
    • The situation will improve once we have the facilitator position through the Sovereign Tech Fund.


  • Ask them to become a Corporate Member.
  • Mateusz can forward any relevant correspondence from the company to the board for review, if necessary.

Action item

Mateusz to ask them for a Corporate Membership. (See the welcome mat, if your organization wants to work with OSM)

Thanks to SotM Working Group volunteers for organising SotM 2024

Suggestion: The board to sent a brief thank-you email to State of the Map organising committee volunteers for organising the State of the Map 2024 conference.

Action item

Mateusz to create a ticket about sending a brief thank-you email to SotM working group volunteers.

EU funding program survey response

Related to “Bring back Free Software funding: Give your feedback to the European Commission”.

Concern: Concern raised by Mateusz regarding a potential own conflict of interest due to prior funding for StreetComplete.


On survey

  • The survey is 29-30 pages long.
  • Deadline: 20 of September (8 days remaining).

Action item

Mateusz to create a board GitLab ticket, including relevant information and proposed responses to the survey. The board will review it, and if there are no objections, he will submit it.

Project Licence and Domain Grandfathering Applications: OpenFreeMap and OsmAPP


  • Provide to the Secretary the authority to sign after a 7-day review period, provided there are no objections.
  • Defer the discussion to the board meeting, when all members are present.

State of the Map budget structure

Suggested by Sarah Hoffmann. Minutes summarised after board request.

The board discussed about the payment process for board members' SotM conference tickets and about sponsor recruitment.

Any other business

Publishing the notes from the informal SotM2024 board meeting

Dorothea enquired if she could publish the notes that Craig created from the informal SotM2024 board meeting and how the board would like the last point to be handled.

Decision to publish the notes and wording provided by the board for the last point.

Meeting adjourned 41' after start.
