Board/Minutes/2024-06-13 v2

From OpenStreetMap Foundation
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Draft minutes.

Date and time: Thursday, 13 June 2024, at 13:30 UTC

Video room at
using BigBlueButton.



  • Craig Allan - chairing
  • Mateusz Konieczny
  • Dani Waltersdorfer (until 44' after start)
  • Sarah Hoffmann
  • Roland Olbricht
  • Arnalie Vicario (8' to 53' after start)

Not Present

  • Guillaume Rischard

Officers and board

Minutes by Dorothea Kazazi.


Meeting not open to observers.

Personnel management

Topic suggested by Sarah Hoffmann.


Triage of action items from the April face-to-face board meeting

Topic suggested by Sarah Hoffmann.

The board members went through the action items from the April face-to-face (F2F) board meeting in Frankfurt.

Decision: Only action items which have not been completed yet will be put on the public Board GitLab repository.

On action item: "Sarah to create a pure Matrix/Element channel for the board, in order to move away from the IRC-bridged Element channel and see if the board has fewer issues with Matrix/Element."
-> Move the action item to Mateusz

Investigate moving OSMF out of the UK, and into the EU

  • Sarah reminded the Belgian lawyers, but has not heard back from them.
  • The Licensing Working Group (LWG) talked to the UK lawyers.
  • Guillaume has not relayed the questions by Sarah for over a month.
  • Belgian lawyers might need to be changed.

Action item: Sarah to try to push the Belgian lawyers.

A board resolution related to the EU move is unlikely to be ready for vote by the OSMF membership at the October Annual General Meeting.

Vector tile progress

Topic suggested by Sarah Hoffmann.

  • Getting Vector Tiles in production is important.
  • We have to make sure we have an actionable plan.
  • Concern expressed regarding the time dedicated to the project.

Dani had to disconnect 44' after start.

Action item: Sarah and Roland to talk with Adam Hoyle (EWG), who oversees the current work on the Vector Tile project, and to report back to the board.

Related link:

Any other business

Wave of vandalism

  • Roland is preparing a meeting with the Data Working Group (DWG) and to express the board's support.
  • Mateusz offered to be present at the meeting.

Action item: Mateusz to contact the DWG and ask if they have any requests for software or other tools to help them deal with vandalism.

Arnalie had to disconnect 53' after start.

Spam issue

  • Grant was dealing with spam in OTRS1 legal queues.
  • Issue to be added to the agenda of the meetings with Grant.

1 OTRS is an issue/ticket tracker used by several Working Groups of the OpenStreetMap Foundation.

OSMF roll-up conference banner

Action item: Roland to send the OSMF roll-up banner to State of the Map Europe 2024 conference in Poland.

Mateusz to take the banner after the end of the conference and to bring it to Kenya for State of the Map 2024.
