Annual General Meetings/2021
15th Annual General Meeting of the OpenStreetMap Foundation
The 15th Annual General Meeting of the OpenStreetMap Foundation was held online in the IRC chat room #osmf-gm on the IRC network, on December 11th 2021, at 1600 UTC - countdown.
Annual General Meetings (AGMs) are held once per year, on the second Saturday of December from 2021 onward (decision). The main order of business is to present the financial accounts for the last year, and election of new board members. Members eligible to vote do not have to attend the AGM, but can vote via email.
Winners were Guillaume Rischard, Amanda McCann, Roland Olbricht, and Mikel Maron.
- The OpaVote results were announced after confirmation by Ilya Zverev using OpenSTV.
Raw ballots and detailed results for the election to board are available at the Opavote website:
accessible till 12 Feb 2022 at 16:00 UTC.
The proposed Articles of Association (AoA) change passed.
Approved resolution
There was one special resolution proposed by the OSMF board: (changing the OSMF Articles of Association): Count time as associate member for board candidacy requirements, which was approved by the membership
Board Election
Foundation members will vote to elect a new board in December.
- You do not need to attend the meeting to vote but you need to be a member or associate member throughout the period of 90 days prior to the date of the meeting. The deadline for becoming a new member eligible to vote for the board candidates of your choice was 11 September 2021 23:59:59 UTC
- The OSM wiki has more information.
Voting instructions and FAQ
Voting information, instructions and FAQ.
IMPORTANT - Test your browser settings, otherwise you might send an empty vote
The voting emails from Opavote (sent on the 4th of December, after 16:00 UTC) link directly to the voting page, which is listing each candidate in random order and allowing you to rank the candidates in order of preference.
If you do not see the names of the candidates on the page linked from the voting email:
- Please make sure that you have Javascript enabled. Disable any plugins that block content (like Decentraleyes or uBlock Origin). Otherwise the list of the candidates will not be visible and you will send an empty vote.
- Test your browser settings before voting by visiting this sandbox voting page where you should see a list of OpenStreetMap editors (randomised each time you load the page). Use the same browser settings when you proceed to vote for the election and resolutions. The sandbox page is only for testing purposes: the vote button does not work and votes on the OSM editors are not counted.
This is how the voting pages should look (except the red arrows and fake candidate list):
- Election voting page
- Special resolution voting page for eligible normal members only
- Michael Collinson has gathered the questions from the community, organised them and published an official set for the candidates.
See the key dates and the online calendar.
The candidates' answers and manifestos are compiled here.
Michael Collinson was active 2006-2014ish as a board member, board secretary, State of the Map and chair of the Licensing Working Group. More recently, he acted as an election observer for HOT and OSM US. Active mapper from 2005 till now. (Source)
Access to OpaVote online platform
- Dorothea Kazazi (Administrative Assistant)
- Michael Spreng (Membership Working Group)
Confirmation of OpaVote results with OpenSTV
- Ilya Zverev
- Michael Spreng (Membership Working Group) - in case of unforeseen circumstances
- Apologies for Absence
- Minutes of the last Meeting
- Chairperson’s report
- Treasurer’s report
- Election to Board
- Result of voting on the special resolution "count time as associate member for board candidacy requirements"
- Any other business