
From OpenStreetMap Foundation

OpenStreetMap Foundation, Operations Meeting - Draft minutes

These minutes do not go through a formal acceptance process.
This is not strictly an Operations Working Group (OWG) meeting.

Thursday 13 June 2024, 19:00 London time
Location: Video room at https://osmvideo.cloud68.co


Minutes by Dorothea Kazazi.

Not present

New action items from this meeting


Editor policy

Related to action items:

  • 2024-05-30 Tom to amend the draft editor policy document and move it from Gdoc to hack.md [Topic: Editor Policy]
  • 2024-02-08 OWG to review the Editor policy during one of the next calls and possibly vote on it. [Topic: Editor Policy]
  • Document moved and changes made.
  • Topic in today's agenda.

Back-up of Fastly's VCL

Related to action item: 2024-05-30 Grant to download a back-up of Fastly's VCL, every month. [Topic: Fastly future projects]

Done. Grant has a monthly reminder.

Policy regarding deploying new WordPress sites

Related to action item: 2024-05-02 Paul to draft a policy regarding deploying new WordPress sites. [Topic: 20th birthday WordPress site]

Ticket created.


  • mod-tile has an expiry tool but takes tile coordinates, not meta-tile coordinates.
  • We could generate output from osm2pgsql some zooms lower and then multiply.
  • Tom did a local build.

Editor policy

Should we consider the editors in their current state, or as they will be upon launch?

  • We have always considered what they're expected to be.
  • There is an issue if the editors need to be embedded in the site.
    • Could run on another domain and then embed them.
  • Looking at their current state would disqualify Potlatch2 and other(s).


  • We should establish criteria of how an editor that has been proposed to be linked from www.osm.org is being actively used, to ensure it does not damage data and demonstrate usefulness.
    • This does not have to be done by community mappers.
    • A few users would be acceptable.
  • DWG should have veto rights.

Related to the Software Dispute Resolution Panel (SDRP)


  • Per OSMF policy, it is currently voluntary to join the SDRP:  "Opting into cooperation with the Panel is voluntary and will not, for example, factor into OSMF decisions related to funding. "
  • iD and Potlatch opted-in?
  • SDRP has not been asked to resolve any disputes.
  • Is this addressed in the community feedback section of the draft editor policy?

On adding a requirement to the editor policy that the editors linked from www.osm.org should join the SDRP

  • JOSM may not agree with the policy. Could be grandfathered-in?
  • Not a bad idea, as editors being on www.osm.org could influence the data.
  • Opposed to add the SDRP requirement, as the text on the SDRP page says that the OSMF does not require software to join (opt-in). Would also have to drop JOSM.* Both in favour and against views were voiced.


  • Ask SDRP first about the addition of that requirement.
  • Ask JOSM what they think about the addition of such a requirement.
  • Ask SDRP to modify their mandate.
  • Instead of making it a requirement, make it a recommendation.
  • OPS to join the SDRP.

Other points mentioned

  • If an editor diverges from community consensus and there is a dispute and is not covered by SDRP, it could be removed.
  • Mikel Maron also raised some questions.
  • Determine what to do in cases of editors that do not want to be under SDRP.
  • OSMF mission: to support and not control.

Grant offered to contact the JOSM devs.

On embedding/linking to external sites


  • Add "approval by website maintainers team required" regarding embedding or linking editors.
    • Embedding vs linking is an OPS question.
    • For JOSM we link, as it is a desktop editor.
  • During the application phase, state their preference on embedding or linking.
    • Sending people to other environments is not ideal.
    • We can't embed an Android editor, due to tech reasons.

On phrasing:

  • Add a section to the editor policy "technical requirements for inclusion".
  • Add "we prefer to embed, if possible".
  • Add "Method of embedding needs to be acceptable to www.osm.org website maintainers."
  • "Embedding where technically possible."

Other points mentioned during discussion

  • Rapid is interested in being embedded on www.osm.org
  • Embedding shouldn't be a case for a website editor, but for Android and iOS.
  • Live editing of the document.*

Suggested wording
Acceptable to Website Maintainers: Web based editors must be embedded on openstreetmap.org in a way that is acceptable to the OpenStreetMap.org website maintainers. If the editor is not embedded, the method by which the editor is called should be acceptable to the OpenStreetMap.org website maintainers.

Other points mentioned during discussion

  • There is no current limit on how many editors to support.

App Triggered Link to external site (external validation) vs osm.org (would req validation?)

iOS might need a manifest to open-up an app. Covered by previous discussion.

Similarity to existing editors

If we have two similar editors actively used, maybe we don't care.

There is a "unique" criteria.

Action item

Grant to email SDRP and copy OPS and Guillaume.


  • To publish the draft for comment, if SDRP has no issue.
  • To move to the board.

If say yes: continue to discuss or put to vote. If say no: moot.


Wait for SDRP's reply.


Not discussed.

Action items reviewed at the beginning of the meeting

  • 2024-05-30 Grant to revert the request timeouts. [Topic: Discussion of false positives hitting DDOS protections due to request timeouts hitting max allowed and DDOS protection.]
  • 2024-05-30 Tom to amend the draft editor policy document and move it from Gdoc to hack.md [Topic: Editor Policy]
  • 2024-05-30 OPS to add the SDRP requirement to the Editor Policy draft and see what feedback we receive. [Topic: Editor Policy]
  • 2024-05-30 Grant to download a back-up of Fastly's VCL, every month. [Topic: Fastly future projects]
  • 2024-05-02 Paul to draft a policy regarding deploying new WordPress sites. [Topic: 20th birthday WordPress site] [Ticket created](https://github.com/openstreetmap/operations/issues/1071)
  • 2024-05-02 Grant to open a ticket about the PR to turn off DNSSEC [Topic: PR to turn off DNSSEC]
  • 2024-05-02 OPS to revisit the OpenMapTiles application.
  • 2024-04-18 Grant to reply to Equinix, restating the issue in a brief form to them. [Topic: Equinix]
  • 2024-02-08 OWG to review the Editor policy during one of the next calls and possibly vote on it. [Editor Policy adding to OpenStreetMap.org]
  • 2023-11-30 Grant to revisit the "policy for purchasing" document, which currently is focused on specs, and add information such as the process for obtaining approval for purchases. [Reportage] Added info: Who Approves / Steps etc -> Grant to create GitHub ticket
  • 2023-11-30 OPS to review the issue of spam reports to ISPs in 6 months (May 2024) -> Grant to create GitHub ticket
  • 2023-05-18 Paul to start an open document listing goals for longer-term planning. [Topic: Longer-term planning]

Action items that have been stricken-through are either completed, or have been moved to GitHub tickets.