Local Chapters/Reports and chapter changes

From OpenStreetMap Foundation

Local Chapter reports and chapter changes

Local Chapter activity reports
Local Chapters have to supply a written activity and financial report in English at least once a year, within 18 months of each chapter year end to the Foundation. This is mentioned in the Local Chapter agreement, which they sign when they get approved as a Local Chapter by the board. The newer version of the Local Chapter agreement (linked below and signed by some of the Local Chapters) mentions that the report will also list any unsuccessful membership applications with the reason why they were not approved. Please note that the Foundation also has to provide a written activity and financial report from the Foundation Board in English to the Chapter within 18 months of each OpenStreetMap Foundation year end.

Local Chapter updates to by-laws and other changes
The Local Chapters are also required to inform the Foundation of any planned or actual change in the by-laws, non-profit legal status, or other changes of the Chapter that might affect the Foundation or the continued existence or effectiveness of this agreement. Please note that the Foundation is also required to inform the Local Chapters of any planned or actual change in the by-laws or status of the Foundation that might affect them or the continued existence or effectiveness of the local chapter agreement.

Please see sections 8 and 9 of the Local Chapter agreement.

Argentina - OpenStreetMap Argentina

Report pending.

Austria - OpenStreetMap Austria


OpenStreetMap Belgium vzw (since 2024-03)

Open Knowledge Belgium (2018-07 to 2023-09)
OpenStreetMap Belgium (operating title): 2018-05-24 to 2023-09-28

Czechia - OpenStreetMap Česká republika z.s.

Democratic Republic of Congo - OpenStreetMap RDC

France - OpenStreetMap France

Germany - OpenStreetMap Deutschland / FOSSGIS

Iceland - OpenStreetMap á Íslandi

Ireland - OpenStreetMap Ireland CLG

Italy - OpenStreetMap Italia

  • 2023 report: EN
  • 2022 report: EN
  • 2020 and 2021 reports: IT
  • 2019 report: IT, EN

Articles of association updates:

Japan - 一般社団法人オープンストリートマップ・ファウンデーション・ ジャパン (OpenStreetMap Foundation Japan)

Kosovo - Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova

Oceania - OSGEO Oceania

Poland - Stowarzyszenie OpenStreetMap Polska

Slovakia - Freemap Slovakia

Switzerland - Swiss OpenStreetMap Association

Articles of association updates:

United Kingdom - OpenStreetMap United Kingdom

United States - OpenStreetMap United States Inc.