Board Meeting Minutes 2012-12-18

From OpenStreetMap Foundation

OpenStreetMap Foundation Board Meeting

Telephone Conference

18 December 2012 20:00 UK / 21:00 CET


Board members:

  • Matt Amos
  • Richard Fairhurst
  • Henk Hoff
  • Oliver Kühn
  • Dermot McNally (from 21:30 CET)
  • Simon Poole (chairing)
  • Frederik Ramm (minutes)


Previous Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes 2012-10-09

Proposed: Richard
Seconded: Henk

Board Meeting Minutes 2012-11-27

Proposed: Richard
Seconded: Simon

AoA issues

No important news on issues discussed at last board meeting; Henk is in further discussions with legal counsel. We decide to review the document that the AoA group came up with and make notes, and discuss this further at the next board meeting:

We’ll then ask for further input on the OSMF-talk mailing list before we draft a final version (that is not legalese but describes in layman’s terms what we want), and then we’ll have our legal counsel provide a proper “legalese” version of that.

Management Team

Matt has sent round a document with ideas for the Management Team and its chairperson, as discussed at the F2F. He’ll discuss this with Management Team on Thursday. We’ll read the document and have a discussion via email, and put it on the agenda again for the next meeting.

Disputed Area Mapping Policy

Matt remarks that there is a policy already on naming disputes (“on-the-ground rule” etc.). Richard suggests that we put valid policies on the OSMF wiki. Matt points out that according to his MT suggestions, it would be the MT’s role to decide on policies, so no immediate action.

SOTM 2013

No formal call for locations has been issued yet. CWG will do this ASAP.

Hardware Planning

There was an OWG meeting yesterday. OWG has prepared a 5-year outline for hardware spending, not quite finished yet, Matt will send it round later.

Next Meeting

Preliminary, 29th January 2013, same time as this meeting.

Meeting End

22:08 CET