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OSMF Board Meeting

Location: Mumble Conference, 12 January 2015 21:00 UTC


Board members

  • Kate Chapman (chair)
  • Kathleen Danielson
  • Henk Hoff
  • Dermot McNally
  • Paul Norman (minutes)
  • Frederik Ramm


  • Michael Collinson

Not Present

  • Oliver Kühn


Previous minutes

Board/Minutes/2014-12-08 approved 6 - 0

Circular Resolutions

Circular Resolution 2014/12: Change of accounting year

Accepted on 19 December with ultimately 6 votes in favour.

The board authorises the treasurer to take the necessary steps to align the Foundation's accounting year with the calendar year.

Circular Resolution 2014/13: F2F date and location

Accepted on 22 December with ultimately 6 votes in favour.

To hold a face to face meeting on February 16th and 17th in Berlin, with a precise location and hours to be later determined.

Circular Resolution 2015/01: WG membership updates

Withdrawn as not requiring a circular.

The board secretary contact the foundation working groups to verify member lists and update email distribution lists.

Previous action items

2014-11-20: Henk to draw up timeframe for devolving membership management to a working group
2014-12-08: Henk to make public announcement calling for help devolving membership management by next board meeting. (Done 2014-12-09)
2014-12-08: Kate to get Simon to introduce her to Francis (lawyer).
2014-12-08: Kate to check Gunner’s availability as a facilitator over Feb 12th-17th. (Done 2015-01-02)
2014-12-08: Kate to discuss with Steve how we’d prefer F2F meeting to be Board + Facilitator only. (Done 2014-12-20)
2014-12-08: Frederik to produce budget. (Done 2015-1-12)
2014-12-08: Henk to announce SOTM 2015 by end of 2014 calendar year

Membership management (1 minute)

The timeframe has not been completely set. The public announcement has been sent by Richard Weait, and there has been discussion on the WG on what to do. Holidays have taken some time.

SOTM 2015 (17 minutes)

Report from Henk

It took a couple weeks for Venice group to respond to request for information. They thought there would be no sponsors for revised time. Still ongoing - attempting to get information about venue availability.

There is now a SOTM WG with about 5 on it, doing initial discussion with Venice team.

No solid estimate on when there will be more information, as last time it took them multiple weeks to respond.

Basically decided on Venice. Two bids - Venice and Toronto - Toronto is very close to New York regional conference and not a great option. Toronto bid team understands this. Alternative is Venice.

Have talked with French team, willing to look in Paris if Venice falls through. Paris option has not been discussed with SOTM WG.

Discussion about how partnering with US group is not an option on their side.

Randy has stepped up and is part of SOTM WG, unlike others who have only complained about SOTM.


SOTM WG to determine when and where SOTM to be.

F2F planning - Location (3 minutes)

Confirmed for Berlin on 16th and 17th of Feb.

Kathleen can help with planning as she is local.

Can we use Skobbler space? Oliver not at meeting, so unable to answer.

Start email thread, check on location for meeting. Check with Oliver for Skobbler offices.

Book flights and submit for reimbursement.

Last time told Oliver dates and he booked in hotel that Skobbler uses for visitors.

Travel details to be entered on board wiki

Iceland LC application

Discussion (5 minutes)

Iceland the first LC to have all needed documents. Not asking for anything special in terms of the agreement. Details sent to board, Iceland mailing list, OSMF members mailing list.

See for application details.

Henk: What is the process?

Paul: Currently a list of documents needed to be supplied. Point of contact not yet listed on Wiki for soft-launch.

Process will be documented.

Voting (13 minutes)

Henk: Would like template contract to go to Board before signing.

Paul: Template already has gone to board.

Kate: Okay to sign a template agreement that has already been approved.

Kate: Chair or secretary

Kate: Since it's the first one, let's have the chair sign for symbolic reasons

Frederik: Where are we going to keep the paper

Going to use a digital document, so question is moot.

5 in favour, 2 abstained.

Action item: Paul to prepare PDF for Kate to sign

Action item: Paul to document process on wiki

Membership addresses (9 minutes)

From Annual_General_Meetings/14-2#Membership_addresses

Question from the floor on what reason the membership secretary gave for not giving the addresses? (Multiple people)

Kate: I'm unsure if the membership secretary is in the meeting, he has not signed in

Decision to move the question to the board meeting and minute it there

Paul: I did not receive a reason on either of my requests which were specific requests for a version with addresses why I did not get one.

Henk: Intended to send the list right before the meeting, but got times mixed up.

We only have addresses of normal members, not associate members.

Associate/Normal member address differences (4 minutes)

Discussions on what would happen for a vote which also included associate members (e.g. board election)

Henk: We need to decide on if we are going to ask for addresses or not.

List (3 minutes)

Paul: This question wasn't about the ballot, this was about the delay or not getting the register.

Henk: This was the list of the members who were eligible to vote, not the register.

Paul: I asked for the register.

Discussion on what happens when a member requests the register. They receive one with addresses.

Henk: We need to work out what we're going to do next vote.

Decision to handle addresses in future votes by means of a circular

Full membership list was sent shortly after the GM.

Donation (14 minutes)

Minutes for this item are board only as it concerns negotiations with a potential donor. See internal wiki

Budget 2015 (2 minutes)

Deferred to circular.

Hope to get a provisional budget out soon so WGs can start spending.

Meeting End


Next meeting

Schedule another telephone conference, but hope to get everything done via circulars.

Invited local community to pre-meeting dinner previously - do so on Sunday night.