Working Group Minutes/Licensing Working Group Minutes, 2009-03-18/19
18th March: Mike, Steve, Grant
Apologies from Mikel Maron
Henk had trouble dialing in
19th March: Mike, Steve, Henk
Grant joined later
31st March + 7 days. reduce vote period by 1 week.
meeting postponed till tomorrow…
* Comments procedure ending on Friday 20th March
- There was a general call for the process to slow down.
- Peter Miller suggestion was agreed that specifically there should at least a week after 1.0 license release for the Board to have it reviewed by legal counsel.
Changed implementation process wording:
“OSMF Board first considers endorsing licence and asks OSMF members (as of 23rd January) to vote (2 week, after 1 week we will send out a reminder to people who haven’t yet responded) on whether ODbL 1.0 should be put to the community for adoption.”
“OSMF Board reviews licence and considers asking OSMF members (as of 23rd January) to vote (1 week, after 3 days we will send out a reminder to people who haven’t yet responded) on whether ODbL 1.0 should be put to the community for adoption.” (We do not want to be prescriptive on what the board is going to do.)
ODC has invited OSMF to nominate a representative The LWG felt it should recommend a candidate to the OSM board rather than directly appointing one. As this person should be a bridge between OSM license activities and the ODC’s evolution of the ODbL, an LWG or board member would practical. Mikel or Mike were considered as good candidates.The LWG intends to put Mike or Mikel forward to the board for this role with a comment opportunity from the OSMF members-list.