Working Group Minutes/EWG 2024-12-20
These minutes are a draft.
Formal proceedings
- Tobias Knerr
- Adam Hoyle
- Roland Olbricht
- Andrew Hain
- Mikel Maron
- Emerson Rocha
- Robert Koeze (after 10 minutes)
Minutes of previous meetings
No minutes for approval available.
Late publication of minutes was discussed, there has been some public criticism in that regard and we welcome any new members who could help with this.
Actual business
Refactoring of OSM website notes
The accountant of the OpenStreetMap Foundation has been instructed to pay the invoice.
2025 Budget
The budget is now up for approval from the Board through a circular resolution. The Engineering Working Group's request is outlined in the minutes from the previous meeting.
Sovereign Tech Fund (STF)
The Souvereign Tech Fund application has been successful, the contract was signed. A blog post about this is live and will go out on the social channels.
There is still some work regarding invoicing going on.
Next steps:
- Advertising the new role and start recruitment process early in 2025. This is building on the work that the Personnel committee has been preparing.
EWG help with recruitment for copyright page update
Robert volunteers to partner with Emerson on this.
GitHub issue, did for copyright draft.
At the previous meeting, the Engineering Working Group decided to proceed with plans to solicit bids for this work.
The next steps (depending on Budget approval which includes a 30k GPB ask for this) can start in January.
The call for jurors has been extended until today. There is still an insufficient number of applicants. In addition to backfilling with Engineering Working Group members, Mikel would be willing to try reaching out to individuals. It might make sense to clearly communicate the expected time commitment.
Relevant links:
Andrew has updated the GDPR project description on GitHub to include development of the code to assure that users must accept the ToS.
The Engineering Working Group is considering action items based on Paul Norman's feedback about GDPR.
Vector Tiles
Paul has let people know that Vector Tiles are available for beta use. SomeoneElse has been playing with them and blogged about it - OpenStreetMap's New Vector Tiles.
The blog post was picked up by Hacker News.
Before we go live, we need to:
- Finalise the Usage Policy (needs approval from OperationsWG)
- Activate monitoring (after a discussion with Tom)
- Get blog post ready with CommunicationsWG (Adam)
- Update the website to add a featured layer - ideally OpenMapTiles would merge first
Bing Maps Discontinued
No updates, Mikel still has it on his radar. We have a 3 year runway.
Any other business
Next meeting
Next meeting is 2025-01-10, 13:00 UTC