Working Group Minutes/EWG 2023-01-09
Formal proceedings
- Roland
- Robert
- Tobias
- Andrew
Actual business
Supporting Rails Port and openstreetmap-website development
Everyone is encouraged to amplify call for help to openstreetmap-website:
There doesn't seem to be any obvious channel where we still need to (re)post the message. We probably want to address both Ruby developers (outside OSM, too?) and non-Ruby developers in OSM to get enough people.
Robert has sent email to Tom about other things. Wait for reply to address also the pull request issue.
Additional Project Ideas
API key management
Action items:
- Discuss
- Check to see if anyone got in contact with members of the advisory board:
Roland volunteers to approach members of the Advisory Board (Microsoft) that represent providers of aerial imagery.
Instead it is decided to inquire of Simon, tyrasd, and JOSM devs whether they have established processes with other providers and then make a more informed approach.
Data model
Blog post was published:
Increase in volume of discussion as a result.
Discussions have been successfully revived. Now give the discussions some time to run.
Mute user bid
Set deadline in January, use it as opportunity for a reminder message to various channels
End of February as deadline. Based on next meeting plus a month.
Tobias will ask Robert whether he wants to draft the reminder.
GDPR follow up
We received a reply from Mikel with the materials produced by the board:
There are three different sub-projects:
- Rails Port only changes
- Rails Port and CGImap in sync changes
- planet tools, including telling the mappers a paradigm of what is happening to their data
Any other business
- New time for meeting that accommodates everyone's schedule better
Alternative Distribution by OSMF
Open-ended discussion about community initiatives to provide a more developer-friendly version of the Planet file.
Next meeting
Next meeting is 2023-01-24, 16:30 UTC: