Local Chapters and Communities Working Group/Meeting minutes/2023-02-27
Meeting started at 15:07 UTC.
- Anisa - IT
- Arnalie - HOT
- Charles - ZM
- Eugene - PH
- Joost - BE
- Maggie - US
- Rachele - UN
Not present
- Adam - UK (with apologies)
- Besfort - XK
- Geoffrey - UG
- Jonathan - BE
- Jorge - PT
- Naveen - IN
- Patrick - CH
- Minutes of previous meeting: Local Chapters and Communities Working Group/Meeting minutes/2023-01-30
- Approved.
Main agenda
- Joost to send a proposal to the board
OSM.org landing page
- Joost to write a simple start of proposal
- Maybe bring up this topic in the next Advisory Board meeting
Trails engagement
- Next step - everyone think on best way to coordinate/collaborate
- Maybe 24-hour mapathon in the northern hemisphere fall?
Support the development of Microcosms [GL#7]
- No news that the present people know of.
- Maggie will talk with Brian
LCC Congress 2022
- No updates so far
- Maggie and Joost to set a meeting for the communications
- Previous to-dos:
- ❎ Report on the event (blog + stats about attendance) [Maggie+Joost]
- ❎ Send thank you e-mail once the links are up (Maggie) & include ask to get more involved with LCCWG
- ❎ Link to videos but they are wonky might want to redo
Update the OSM website to highlight Local Chapters [GL#14]
- Suggested to have a mini-project to improve the User group OSM wiki page linked from the OSM.org communities page. Suggestions: might be good to link osm community forum, community index, link to local chapters page (with how to apply etc.)
Local Chapter how-to
- How-to document initially drafted by Allan Mustard: https://hackmd.io/4NfuVm7tSKi3HIB3FKFrNQ
- Eugene proposed that the WG adopt and improve this document
- Approved to adopt
- Eugene proposed that the WG adopt and improve this document
- Arnalie raised the issue about Jean-Marc's commercial activities requirements for LCs: https://hackmd.io/s8kgTLCKRKalOT1dQA16rg
- Agreed that the WG will not address this document yet
Any other business
- No other business discussed
Meeting ended 16:00 UTC.