Licensing Working Group/Trademark licence subcommittee

From OpenStreetMap Foundation

The Trademark licensing subcommittee has one member of the Licensing Working Group (LWG), one ex-Chairperson of the LWG and one board member who decide on licence requests that are covered by the OSMF Trademark policy, with the understanding that:

  • the subcommittee has the authority to grant licences in the "quick licence" (aka licence application for which we have a form template) framework.
  • licence grants that are of a bespoke nature will be processed by the full LWG and potentially escalated to the OSMF board.
  • licence grant refusals can be appealed to the OSMF board.
  • licence grants will be publicly documented in an appropriate fashion.


Get in touch


The administrative assistant, Dorothea Kazazi, is included on the relevant correspondence due to that fact that these are long term contracts that need to be signed by a board member in the end and be part of our corporate records.

Licence grants

  • 2018-06-21 Openrailwaymap licence application accepted.

State of the Map quick licence requests

Please see SOTM_Quick_Licence/Requests.

Timeline regarding representatives