Licensing Working Group/Minutes/2024-08-12

From OpenStreetMap Foundation

OpenStreetMap Foundation, Licensing Working Group (LWG) - Agenda & Minutes
12 August 2024, 17:00 UTC


  • Kathleen Lu (Chairing)
  • Dermot McNally
  • Tom Hummel
  • Tom Lee


  • Simon Hughes
  • Guillaume Rischard (OSMF board)


Adoption of past minutes

Previous action items

  • 2018-03-08 All to look at the Working Groups collecting personal information.
  • 2018-04-12 LWG to follow-up on the iD editor, as the number of changesets is now included on the changeset comments thread.
  • 2020-10-08 Simon Poole and Guillaume Rischard to look at the translation issue of the copyright policy page
  • 2020-10-08 Jim Vidano to work on updating the privacy policy in relation to OSMF's use of a commercial CDN, and Kathleen Lu will have a look at it.
  • 2021-02-11 Kathleen Lu to check LWG-specific membership requirements on the OSMF website and Conflict of Interest policy and provide to Dorothea any updates for the website.
  • 2021-03-11 Guillaume Rischard to sort out various email issues - Making sure Dermot McNally is on the main legal mailing issue, making sure everyone is getting OTRS email notifications for the legal queue.
  • 2021-07-08 Guillaume Rischard to meet with Dermot McNally about using OTRS.
  • 2021-07-08 LWG members to provide comment on the HOT draft trademark agreement on the next meeting.
  • 2021-07-08 Jim Vidano to look at next steps for paperwork after the trademark request has been approved by the board.
  • 2021-07-08 Dermot McNally to ask Tobias for expected outcome regarding the request for change of the text of the standard tile license.
  • 2021-08-12 Tom Hummel to suggest text to be published regarding OSMF's legitimate interest in processing personal data.
  • 2021-08-12 Dermot McNally to reply to Tobias about simplifying the text of the tile licence.
  • 2021-08-12 Dermot McNally to make the pull request on GitHub openstreemap-website regarding attribution requirements for OSMF tiles
  • 2021-08-12 Dermot McNally to communicate back to contacts regarding Australian data attribution and suggest filling the waiver template.
  • 2021-08-12 LWG to identify OSMF legal texts that might be needed under German law to be in German.
  • 2021-09-09 Jim Vidano to ask Simon Poole whether he has previous emails contacting companies that were not displaying attribution.
  • 2021-09-09 Guillaume Rischard to check past emails (e.g. last year ones related to case in Germany where they settled in court) for any sent to companies not complying with attribution requirements and to send what he finds, including links to the GitHub repositories with the lists of not complying organisations, to the Signal group.
  • 2021-09-09 Jim Vidano and Dermot McNally (2021-12-09) to create a draft template email for the community to contact organisations regarding non compliance with the attribution guidelines
  • 2021-09-09 Dermot McNally to reply to Jean-Marc Liotier (board of directors) with the LWG decision to create a template email for minor cases of non-compliance with the attribution guidelines available to the community and the LWG to directly contact bigger companies.
  • 2022-01-13 Simon Hughes to download a copy of the Copyright FAQ page and mark anything that is not matching the attribution guidelines or is confusing and circulate that to the LWG.
  • 2022-04-14 Guillaume Rischard to ask Tom Hughes to see how many translations of the Copyright and Copyright FAQ page are live. Topic Needed: Update to Copyright FAQ page to match new attribution guidelines
  • 2022-09-15 Dermot McNally to send an email to the companies mentioned on Ticket#2022011910000082 and Ticket#202201261000014
  • 2022-09-15 Guillaume Rischard to respond to the email Ticket#202208041000024 and redirect to the right person.
  • 2022-10-13 Guillaume Rischard to take the Ticket#2022100310000013 issue to the board (related to legal consequences for “unlicensed surveying”)
  • 2022-11-10 Guillaume Rischard to pass the message to the board member who wrote to the LWG about Open Database License (ODbL).
  • 2023-03-06 Kathleen Lu to write back to Iiro Laiho (Inquiry re Finnish satellite imagery) and have them clarify that the attribution is ok. The LWG to update the attribution.
  • 2023-04-03 Guillaume Rischard to ask Grant Slater regarding passing LWG tickets to OWG.
  • 2023-04-03 Dermot McNally to find wording that makes it clear to the recipients of the love letters that the letters come from mappers.
  • 2023-04-03 Guillaume Rischard to send the Attribution Guidelines (Case of German Federal Mapping Agency buried attribution)
  • 2023-04-03 Tom Lee to reply to the OSM Serbia community on GitHub asking for additional details (Ticket#2023030810000178 - Serbian Geodata)
  • 2023-04-03 Dermot McNally to put Benito Romualdo Palma Temoaya in touch with the Mexican community (Ticket#2023032410000272 – Asesoría)
  • 2023-11-13 Tom Lee to create a draft statement by the next LWG meeting that could be used by the board to encourage governments to publish under CC0, ODbL, OGL or with a waiver to OSM. [Topic: Ordnance Survey Ireland waiver - Update by Dermot McNally]
  • 2023-11-13 Tom Hummel to read [Topic: Ticket#2023110610000184 - Importing Austrian governmental data]m to add to add the following two templat
  • 2023-11-13 Tom Hummel to contact Falk, a lawyer from the German local chapter, and get his opinion on the general stance of mid-level governmental agencies. Estimated to have a response by early December. [Topic: Ticket#2023110610000184 - Importing Austrian governmental data]
  • 2024-01-08 Kathleen Lu to contact Lawdit and enquire about the cost estimate for opposing the trademark registration by UMBRAOSM.
  • 2024-01-08 Kathleen Lu to reply to Kirill Fedotov that the new MapBuilder designs for OSM account sign-ups look good.
  • 2024-01-08 Tom Hummel to reply to the last email about rescheduling the meeting regarding the Austrian governmental datasets , cc Dermot McNally and try to schedule a new date.
  • 2024-01-08 Kathleen Lu to reply to the reporter that, per horizontal layers, what was done with the Organic Maps feature related to is fine for data about hotel booking, and enquire about further concerns.
  • 2024-01-08 Kathleen Lu to contact OWG regarding Matomo tracking (Q5: is there a delay after which old IP addresses are anonymised and Q6: For how long is Matomo tracking information retained by OSMF). LWG to answer questions one to four, providing the reasoning.
  • 2024-01-08 Kathleen Lu to forward this request for permission to use the OSM trademarks on the domains:,,,, to the board.
  • 2024-01-08 Guillaume Rischard to send an attribution love letter to OpenGeoHub, regarding OpenLandMap.
  • 2024-01-08 Guillaume Rischard to talk with Tom Hummel, before the latter talks to Falke.
  • 2024-01-08 Guillaume Rischard to provide a summary regarding the German federal cartography agency issue at the next meeting.
  • 2024-02-12 Guillaume Rischard to ask UMBRAOSM for a copy of their filling change request. [UMBRAOSM UNIÃO DOS MAPEADORES BRASILEIROS DO OPENSTREETMAP]
  • 2024-02-12 Kathleen Lu to email OSMtips and send them the template for project and domain grandfathering applications. [Topic: 2) and related domains]
  • 2024-02-12 Kathleen Lu to email OpenLandCover and suggest template [Topic: 3)Query from Mateusz re OpenLandCoverMap]
  • 2024-02-12 Simon Hughes to provide the difference in number of POIs between the old and new datasets provided by Geolytica to TomTom. [Topic: Geolytica]
  • 2024-02-12 Kathleen Lu and Tom Hummel to talk with Sarah. [Topic: OSMF transfer plan scope of work quote from law firm]
  • 2024-02-12 Kathleen Lu to write back to EWG to ask for clarifications. [Topic: EWG enquiry about update]
  • 2024-02-12 Jim Vidano to contact the website with an attribution love letter [Topic: Ticket#2024011610000011]
  • 2024-02-12 Kathleen Lu to write back to inquirer that we will add to the copyright page, and that they should notify the Danish data authority that they will be represented on the /copyright alongside all our other prominent sources (there not being anything listed on the front page). Or you can get a CC waiver. Also cc Tom Lee [Ticket#2024020610000298]
  • 2024-02-12 Tom Lee to reply [Topic: application for forward geocoding addresses in Germany]
  • 2024-03-04 Dermot McNally to reply to Markus and suggest setting-up a meetingwith the Austrian government. Tom Hummel would be interested to join. [Meeting with Brigitte Lutz/Austrian gov and OSMF Austria LC]
  • 2024-03-04 Jim Visano to finalise the letter to and bcc the LWG. Kathleen will add the letter to the LWG shared folder.
  • 2024-03-04 Kathleen Lu to write back that this OGL Ontario lecence is okay, please add to before using [ODbL compartibility with Open Government License - Ontario]
  • 2024-03-04 Kathleen Lu to write back that this OGL Nanaimo is okay, please add to before using [ [ODbL compartibility with OGL Nanaimo License - Ticket#2024030210000114]
  • /2024-04-08 Kathleen Lu to reply to Sarah indicating that the LWG is not completely confident in the firm. Therefore, there is a risk of investing money and time in something that may not be the most effective use of resources. However, both the board and the LWG can monitor the situation closely. Additionally, any delay would also come with associated costs. [OSMF transfer plan scope of work quote from law firm]
  • /2024-04-08 Kathleen Lu to write back that based on the slides, NNG seems to try to adhere to ODbL and the community guidelines. [Query from HERE forwarded by the Board]
  • /2024-04-08 Kathleen Lu to reply about the LWG's assessment of Croatia's open licence [Croatia open licence]
  • /2024-04-08 Kathleen Lu to reply about the LWG's assessment of York's Open Data licence Ticket#2024030710000016 [Assessment of York Open Data licence Ticket#2024030710000016]
  • /2024-04-08 Kathleen Lu to reply. [University of Washington GIS data and layers and university policies Ticket#2024032010000456 Ticket#2024032010000456]
  • /2024-04-08 Kathleen Lu to reply about the LWG's assessment of Open Government License – Toronto [Assessment of Open Government License – Toronto]
  • 2024-05-13 Tom Hummel to ask the Belgian lawyers about tax-deductability of donations. [Topic: OSMF move to the EU]
  • 2024-05-13 Guillaume Rischard to ask Luxembourg lawyers for details on the UK side of migration. [Topic: OSMF move to the EU]
  • 2024-05-13 Guillaume Rischard to review the translation of the community guidelines by OSM France. [Topic: Local Chapter query about translation of community guidelines]
  • 2024-05-13 Kathleen Lu to write back and say that some French speaking members will have a look at the translation but we don’t have resources to officially bless the translation.
  • 2024-06-10 Guillaume Rischard to have a meeting with Tom Hummel, after the former's request, in order to formulate the question to Lawdit. [Topic: OSMF move to the EU ]
  • 2024-07-08 Kathleen Lu to reply to OWG that the LWG does not see any personal data in Matomo, it looks like all aggregate or anonymized data and whether the OWG disagrees. [Topic: Query from Microsoft - referral from OWG]
  • 2024-07-08 Kathleen Lu to reply to OSM France that we're still reading through, but assuming it looks ok, we can host the french translation on the OSMF website. [Topic: Queries from Local Chapter: OpenStreetMap France]
  • 2024-07-08 Kathleen Lu to reply to sender, mentioning the routing and that geometries are likely to be derivative databases. [Topic: GTFS]
  • 2024-07-08 Dermot McNally to r to read the email from Jochen again and see if he can draft something. [Topic: Queries from Local Chapter: Email from Jochen/Falk/FOSSGIS]
  • 2024-07-08 Kathleen Luto forward the email about use of OSM logo on 3D printed products to CWG with a note that we can accommodate a license for this use case, if they like it. [Topic: Ticket#2024051410000571 Use of OSM logo on 3D printed products]

Any updates on reported attribution cases?

Reports in OTRS:

Trademarks – any updates?

OSM US trademark renewal

Kathleen submitted samples from the OSM US merchandise website to our attorneys for the renewal of the US registration.

Trademark watch notices

We will get the invoice for the watch notices soon.


OSMF move to the EU

Decision to not publish the minutes of this section.

From OSMF – Memberships affected by CiviCRM bug

Members are supposed to pay when they sign-up, unless the board otherwise provides (AoA$25 "Unless the board otherwise provides, fees shall be payable in advance."). In this situation, the board made an error, and they provided all of these people essentially with a delay in the date that their fees have to be paid. Their memberships are not in dispute, just their fees are in dispute. We can notify them that they were incorrectly told that they were given a fee waiver, while they were not eligible at the time, their memberships are now set as "in arrears", their membership fees are now due and they have the options described below. Memberships in arrears can be "corrected" before the election starts (12 October) and if they are corrected, it doesn't affect the members' eligibility to vote.

Suggested plan
Figure out if people qualify with mapping contributions at a later date than their membership sign-up date, e.g. as of today. For those who do qualify, both their membership and their fee-waiver is accepted. If people still do not have enough mapping days, tell them that they are members, but their membership is in arrears and give them the options to:

  • demonstrate eligibility for their fee being waived for active contributions, e.g. by having enough mapping days by X (later) date or by
  • showing non-mapping active contributions by X (later) date, or
  • pay the membership fee of GBP15, or
  • ask us to terminate their membership.

Else, if people do not do any of the above, their membership is still considered in arrears. They won't be eligible to vote in the 2024 board election, and their membership will expire 1 year after the sign-up date. Important: OSMF needs to provide enough time for people to demonstrate eligibility/pay/cancel.

Some points mentioned during discussion

  • People with affected memberships can't be blamed of not having paid the fee during sign-up, but they have to pay now.
  • The Articles of Association do not mention when to collect the membership fees. OSMF can give to people e.g. a 6 moth delay to pay their fees.
  • People can pay up their in arrears membership up to 1 week before the AGM.
  • It was suggested to back-date the people's fee waivers to the date they qualified for them and accept them.

On the case of Brazil Singh, board candidate

If his mapping contributions are enough, e.g. as of today, notify him that he's a member and his fee waiving application was approved as of X date.

Unknown number of affected renewals of active contributor memberships via mapping.


  • Regarding the status of memberships being set as "in arrears"/"unpaid", it was suggested to either: 1) inform them that their membership will be in arrears X days after being notified by the board/MWG or 2) being notified that the membership is already in arrears. The discussion seemed to conclude that option 2 would be the simplest.
  • Regarding demonstrating eligibility via non-mapping contributions: I would suggest to recommend to people who want to go via that route to provide the supporting information as soon as possible, so that there is ample time to create the circulars and have a decision.

Law enforcement request

LWG requested for minutes to not be published.

Queries from Local Chapter: OpenStreetMap France – Translation of community guidelines

Simon absent.

Queries from Local Chapter: Email from Jochen/Falk/FOSSGIS

Old email on June 5.

  • The matter appears to be driven by existing EU law, which member states are required to implement in their national legislation.
  • The issue is likely not limited to Germany.
  • Tom Lee has previously discussed this with TomTom’s government affairs representative.

On what OSMF could do

  • There is little OSMF can influence, as only minor details may be adapted to national laws.
  • OSMF likely lacks the capacity to address this.
  • OSMF not in the EU yet.
  • It is unclear if OSMF could force anyone to release mobility data in a way that OSM can use it, given its limited ability to influence government activity.
  • We could potentially submit comments.

Concern by companies

  • There is concern over the requirement to publicly share real-time traffic incident data, particularly where companies may be forced to disclose proprietary information.

Other points mentioned

  • Downstream users face several challenges, including compatibility and sharing up-to-date information.
  • Most static data in Germany is provided by government organisations.

Action item: Tom Hummel to investigate the issue further.

Next Meetings

Monday 09 September 2024, 1700 UTC
Monday 07 October 2024, 1700 UTC
Monday 18 November 2024 (back to winter hours - 1800)
Monday 09 December 2024, 1800 UTC