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Draft notes by Craig Allan from informal in-person board-meeting in Nairobi, during SotM 2024.

The decision to publish them was taken during the September mid-month board chat.

Date and time: Friday, 06 September 2024, at 9:00 local.


Board members

  • Arnalie Vicario
  • Craig Allan
  • Daniela Waltersdorfer
  • Guillaume Rischard
  • Mateusz Konieczny
  • Roland Olbricht
  • Sarah Hoffmann

Officers and board

Not Present


Meeting not open to observers.

Transition Matters


Gitlab admin

Roland to take over – nominate a second admin later

DWG liaison

Liaison to be reshuffled by new board. At all times DWG to be informed of any changes

Attribution work

Mateusz will continue with the work as a volunteer

Dispute Resolution Panel

Restore the Dispute Resolution Panel - no decision on transfer.


EU work

Assign this to Craig and Roland, They will be assigned to the GitLab issue. Sarah has put extensive documentation in the Issue. Decided that we will put forward a formal vote on working primarily on the Belgium option. Luxembourg work to be archived in case Belgium falls through.

Dorothea management

Assign to Craig*


This is primarily an EWG position. Board to keep an eye on it. Putting in a project manager would be good.

Open Source Initiative

This is not a busy role. Change the contact with the OSI to a group address so we can reassign as needed. Dani will take on this role.

Chair of Personnel Committee

Dani will take this over


MWG liaison

to be reassigned by the new board


was doing Board updates. No clear transition here.


Arnalie will stay on with the SotM WG in advance of the SotM in Manila, Philippines

DEI Committee

Wanted to resurrect it. No transition plan.

Tracking and planning: Community Presentation at OSMF Board Meeting

Notes added to online document by Arnalie after the meeting.

Helps to have this in GitLab
historically, done by Secretary
I [Arnalie] thinks it's a great platform to champion diversity and activities of communities. They love it when they are being approached by the OSMF board and be a guest during meeting

- invite LC applicants to present so board and community can ask questions or clarify issues / uncertainties in their applications - hopefully this can help align OSMF, LCCWG and the community with the applicant and would speed up the application
- ensuring that diverse communities / speakers are engaged and encouraged to take part in OSM / OSMF activities as well as amplified in OSM / OSMF spaces
- highlight / amplify works of current LCs via the community spotlight (can also a venue to present their annual reports)) Target for rest of the year 2024:

Other matters

Matrix Chat

We wanted to move off the IRC platform to improve security. It proved to be a 3 minute fix which was implemented in the meeting. Dorothea is to be assigned an admin role on Matrix

Expenses Claim

We agreed that we would refund for Taxis, Vaccinations, Flights, Visa costs. We would not refund on food. Conference costs may be refunded by SotM working Group.

Board Member Complaints

Note by Dorothea: The wording of this section was decided during the September mid-month board chat.

If/when a member of the community makes a complaint about a board member, the Board will investigate the matter regardless of personal views or relationship with said board member.