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DRAFT Minutes
Location: Mumble, 2016-12-16, 1800 London time


Board members

  • Peter Barth
  • Kate Chapman
  • Martijn van Exel
  • Mikel Maron (joined later)
  • Paul Norman
  • Frederik Ramm
  • Ilya Zverev


Open to all members

Not Present


Previous minutes

Circular Resolutions

Previous action items

2016-05-28: Paul to put out call for EWG volunteers
2016-05-28: Martijn to find someone to work with to distill action items and next steps for diversity objectives
2016-05-28: Martijn/Kate to draft diversity policy
2016-05-28: Ilya to compile a draft of an OSMF monthly newsletter from WG & board minutes
2016-08-19: Mikel to review his notes for an agenda/list of topics for the last F2F
2016-08-19: Mikel to put LC discussion notes on the board wiki
2016-05-28: Frederik/Paul to prepare transparency doc from transparency session
2016-08-19: Mikel to send round bullet points on diversity policy proposal
2016-08-19: Ilya to look at implementing means for members to view the membership register
2016-09-16: AOB: Announce Dorothea
2016-09-25: Martijn to talk to Grant about doing recurrent donations during membership sign-up and/or renewal
2016-09-25: Martijn to notify board when US has done policy on smaller grants
2016-09-25: Mikel to find diversity text
2016-10-28: Peter to create a page on the wiki, listing software products which are used by OSMF and aren't open-source
2016-10-28: Kate to introduce Dorothea to the WGs
2016-11-18: Martijn to send post to osmf-talk@ regarding the AGM agenda point "any other business"
2016-11-18: Martijn to ask Richard if he plans to write a post after the election (Done #Richard had no time. Ilya offered to publish a related post/analysis)
2016-11-18: Kate to write Chairperson's report (Done)
2016-11-18: Frederik to write Treasurer's report (Done)
2016-11-18: Peter to introduce Dorothea to CWG (Done)

Division of labour in board

Martijn new secretary by acclamation, no other changes.

Setting up the Advisory board

There was a discussion about setting up the Advisory board, an entity separate from the OSMF board of directors, composed of individuals - either nominated by corporate members of the OSMF or invited directly by the OSMF board.

Important aspects:

  • Transparency, define the basic rules
  • Composition - any invitees that we might solicit out of community or non-eligible corporate member organisations


  • Suggestion to also include Local Chapter representatives

Cap on number of people:

  • Not possible, as certain tiers include a seat on the advisory board


  • Will start as a mailing list and grow organically

Communication between the advisory board and the board of directors. Ideas:

  • informal tone
  • to have someone from the board participating and being a liaison # Comment on how that might be a bit strange since board member participation might influence the advisory board # Additionally, how relying on one board member to inform the rest of the board might not work out # Perhaps something Dorothea could take on?

Corporate member expectations. Various thoughts:

  1. Might want more interaction with board of directors than with each other
  2. Need formal link between advisory board and board of directors
  3. They will probably have no expectations

Suggestion: ask their expectations after having the list of representatives on the advisory board.

Decision: Frederik will incorporate already mentioned points in a message to the board mailing list and the discussion will continue there, due to time constraints.

Note: Throughout the meeting Kate provided insight from her experience with the advisory board of Cadasta.

2017 budget

Working Groups' input

The Working Groups will be asked to provide input for the 2017 budget.
If there is no response up to 30 days afterwards, the board will have to assign something for them, that may or may not meet their needs.

State of the Map

In the past, SotM was included in the budget with a zero amount. The SotM working group has asked for more details to be included in the budget, in order to convey the relative importance of the conference.

Member question about the revenue from the previous SotM in Japan.
Apparently, most of the financial cost of the conference was managed locally, so only a fraction of the expenses went through OSMF books - looking at them one might get the impression that it was a small conference, while it wasn't. It did generate an income for the OSMF of 5-10,000 GBP.
Since the 2017 SotM will be again in Japan, part of the conference organisation might be again run locally.

Suggestion: inclusion in the 2017 budget and assume that the expenses and the income will be cancelled out.

Rob will probably contact the board soon with the budget for the 2016 SotM and can be asked for next year's estimate.

Closed portion of meeting

The OSMF board had a closed session portion of the meeting.

Non-public donation

Potential grant

Next meeting - changed

Tuesday, 2017-01-17 at 20:00 London time

The day and time of the monthly meetings has changed. Meetings are now recurring, on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, at 20:00 London time, unless rescheduled.

Meeting End