
From OpenStreetMap Foundation
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Location: Mumble, 2016-11-18, 1800 London time


Board members

  • Peter Barth
  • Kate Chapman
  • Frederik Ramm
  • Martijn van Exel
  • Ilya Zverev


Open to all members

Not Present

  • Mikel Maron
  • Paul Norman


Previous minutes

Circular Resolutions

Previous action items

2016-05-28: Paul to put out call for EWG volunteers
2016-05-28: Martijn to find someone to work with to distill action items and next steps for diversity objectives
2016-05-28: Mikel to support revitilization of CWG (CWG irc meeting arranged by Peter)
2016-05-28: Martijn/Kate to draft diversity policy
2016-05-28: Ilya to compile a draft of an OSMF monthly newsletter from WG & board minutes
2016-08-19: Mikel to review his notes for an agenda/list of topics for the last F2F
2016-08-19: Mikel to put LC discussion notes on the board wiki
2016-05-28: Frederik/Paul to prepare transparency doc from transparency session
2016-08-19: Mikel to send round bullet points on diversity policy proposal
2016-08-19: Ilya to look at implementing means for members to view the membership register
2016-09-16: AOB: Announce Dorothea
2016-09-25: Martijn to talk to Grant about doing recurrent donations during membership sign-up and/or renewal
2016-09-25: Martijn to notify board when US has done policy on smaller grants
2016-09-25: Mikel to find diversity text
2016-09-25: Dorothea to notify existing corporate members using CiviCRM regarding the new corporate membership scheme (Done)
(2016-10 via mail): Martijn to answer by e-mail questions about the donation drive, to be published in the OpenCage blog (Done)
2016-10-28: Peter to create a page on the wiki, listing software products which are used by OSMF and aren't open-source
2016-10-28: Paul to send formal notice about AGM via CiviCRM (Done)
2016-10-28: Paul to coordinate with Frederik about who will step down or rerun for board (Done)
2016-10-28: Kate to send mail to board list and mention that if anyone else wants to step down, to say so before the AGM announcement (Done)
2016-10-28: Kate to talk to Dermot about whether he can help with the election process (Done)
2016-10-28: Martijn to publish post about the new corporate membership scheme on the Foundation wiki and other places (Done)
2016-10-28: Dorothea to add the outcome of the vote in the previous F2F minutes (Done)
2016-10-28: Frederik to coordinate with Natalie regarding Mapbox matching donations (Done)
2016-10-28: Frederik to make the announcement about Mapbox matching donations (Done)
2016-10-28: Peter to add donation drive banner to OSMF wiki page (Done)
2016-10-28: Peter to ask HOT (Tyler) about adding OSM donation drive banner (won't be pursued as HOT will start soon their own donation drive)
2016-10-28: Kate to introduce Dorothea to the WGs

Donation campaign progress

Current status (2016.11.18)

The Mapbox announcement on matching donations didn't get as much attention as hoped and currently around €8,000 coming from non-Mapbox matched donations seem to be necessary to reach the €70,000 goal.


Reassessment of progress around the end of November, in order to decide the point at which the donation drive will close. Preferably, it will be done in time for announcing the results at the Annual Genenal Meeting (2016-12-10).

Corporate Membership related points

During the discussion the following were also mentioned:

  • Mapbox will upgrade to the Gold tier of the new Corporate Membership program, once their current membership period comes to end.
  • Another company expressed interest in supporting OSMF with a Gold Corporate Membership. The name of the company was not mentioned, as the board is still at the initial stages of contact with the company about that issue - it will be disclosed in the future.

AGM planning

  • The AGM will be performed as last year. Kate and Frederik will deliver a report and people will be able to ask questions.
  • The polls will close at the beginning of the AGM and the results will be probably announced during the AGM.

AOB regarding the point 'any other business' of the AGM agenda

If people already have something that they know they want to bring up, they will be invited to to email the board ( or to send a message at the osmf-talk mailing list. Of course, they can still bring up topics at the AGM itself. It should be noted that it isn't possible to bring up items that would require a vote. Such items are 'Special Resolutions' and must be on the agenda of the AGM.

Publishing election results and analysis

In 2014 all votes were anonymised and made public, allowing people to do some statistic analyses and to create related visualisations. This year, as we're interested in our own democratic process, a post will be published on the osmf blog after the election, probably with an analysis of the results.

Closed portion of meeting

The OSMF board had a closed session portion of the meeting.

Next meetings

2016-12-10 at 1600 UTC - The 10th Annual General Meeting of the OpenStreetMap Foundation will be held online in the IRC chat room #osmf-gm on the IRC network See how to connect here.

2016-12-16 at 1800 UTC - Monthly meeting using Mumble.

Meeting End