
From OpenStreetMap Foundation
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Minutes for the OSMF Board Meeting
Location: Mumble, 25 March 2016


Board members

  • Peter Barth
  • Kate Chapman
  • Martijn van Exel
  • Mikel Maron
  • Paul Norman
  • Frederik Ramm
  • Ilya Zverev


Not Present


Previous minutes

Board/Minutes/2016-02-09 Accepted

Circular Resolutions

2016/6: Accept Swiss OpenStreetMap Local Chapter application

Accepted 2016-02-15 with ultimately 5 votes in favour.

Note: was originally 2016/0 in minutes

Previous action items

2016-01-08: Paul to take on setting up membership WG
2016-02-09: Frederik to draw up simplistic 2016 budget (Done)
2016-02-09: Frederik to respond to OSMF-talk budget question
2016-02-09: Martijn to send feedback to LWG on collective DB guideline (Done)
2016-02-09: Paul to set up doodle for possible F2F dates (Done)

Membership WG

Paul to send email to OSMF-talk, leaving more open ended about if the WG will involve getting more members

Admin help

Mikel to draft an email for osmf-talk@, share with the board, then send

F2F meeting

  • Date set as May 28-29 (Sat-Sun), with Friday social. Two full days required
  • Amsterdam is preferred location, Martijn+Mikel trying to organize room + accommodation
  • Will use a facilitator for preparation, undecided on any additional use
  • Board wiki page for topics set up, discuss further topics via wiki/email

Corporate membership

  • Kate to tidy up and send email to osmf-talk@ asking for feedback on plan. Also asking companies not yet corporate members why they are not

PeterDRS update

This item is not publicly minuted.

Budget plan

  • Frederik to send a small update soon
  • Vote via circular when ready

Next meeting

Paul to set up doodle, roughly one month

Meeting End