Annual General Meetings/2017

From OpenStreetMap Foundation

11th Annual General Meeting of the OpenStreetMap Foundation

The 11th Annual General Meeting of the OpenStreetMap Foundation was held online in the IRC chat room #osmf-gm on the IRC network, at 16:00 UTC on Saturday, 09 December 2017

Please see the IRC wiki page for information on how to connect to IRC.

Board Election

Foundation members will vote to elect a new board in December.

There will be a board election, with two seats available. You do not need to attend the meeting to vote but you need to be a member or associate member throughout the period of 30 days prior to the date of the meeting.

To become a director on the board, you must be a member, not an associate member. We have set-up to enable people to announce their candidacy. User wiki pages are a good place to post manifestos. user diaries are another option. The deadline for members to put themselves forward for election is two weeks before the Annual General Meeting.


Election run by: Dorothea Kazazi

List of members eligible to vote

  • Created by Dorothea
  • Shared with the Membership Working Group (MWG)
  • Special voting cases (e.g. people who had problems with Javascript or late membership renewals) were documented on the board wiki and made known to Martijn van Exel (Secretary). Information will also be shared with the MWG.

Access to OpaVote online platform

  • Dorothea
  • Michael Spreng (Backup operator, MWG member)

Confirmation of OpaVote results with OpenSTV

  • By Michael Spreng (MWG member)

Thanks also to Dermot McNally for confirming that the chosen platform settings were the same as last year's.


Only fully paid up members will be able to vote, and only those who have already become members 30 days prior to the AGM date.

Voting members will receive an email from the on-line voting service with links to the on-line ballot for each ballot measure. The election will be carried out under single transferable vote rules (STV). Each foundation member will cast their vote by ranking candidates according to their preference. A maximum of two will be elected.

See Voting information and instructions


  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the last Meeting
  3. Chairperson’s report
  4. Treasurer’s Report
  5. Election to Board
  6. Any other business


Minutes & log