Annual General Meetings/14

From OpenStreetMap Foundation

The 2014 AGM (Annual General Meeting) of the OpenStreetMap Foundation was held at the State of the Map 2014 conference, Centro Argentino de Ingenieros, 1250 Cerrito, Retiro, Buenos Aires, C1010AAZ, Argentina (map), at 13:50 ART on Saturday, 08 November 2014.


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  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the last Meeting
  3. Chairman's Report
  4. Treasurer's Report
  5. Changes to Articles of Association
    The board of the the OpenStreetMap Foundation (the “Foundation”) propose that the following resolutions are passed as a special resolutions:
    Special Resolution #1
    That the articles of association of the Company shall be modified by deleting from article 85 the sentence “The provisions of sections 283 and 284 of the Act shall apply and be observed.”
    Special Resolution #2
    That the articles of association of the Company shall be modified by replacing the phrase “is no less than 2 and no more than 8” in article 35 by the phrase “falls between the limits set by article 78 at the time of the election”.
    Special Resolution #3
    That the articles of association of the Company shall be modified by inserting the sentence “A general meeting must be held within 18 months of the preceding general meeting.” in, and before the existing text of, article 31.
    Note: Only regular members are allowed to vote on special resolutions.
    For your convenience, a document that incorporates the above changes has been prepared as Proposed revised articles 2014.
  6. Change to Membership Fees
    The board of the the OpenStreetMap Foundation propose that with respect to section 24 of the Articles of Association, the AGM agree to the following change of the membership fee structure:
    1. The membership fee and conditions for regular and corporate membership remain unchanged.
    2. The membership fee for associate membership, which normally is tied to the regular membership fee, may be waived if paying the fee would constitute an unreasonable burden to the member, either because of financial hardship or because of the lack of a suitable money transfer facility.
    3. In order to be eligible for the membership fee waiver, the applicant may be required to contribute something else of value (e.g: time, …) to the Foundation, for example write a paragraph on mapping in their region.
    4. Just like paid membership, membership under the membership fee waiver programme must be renewed annually.
    5. Associate members who have joined under the membership fee waiver programme have the same rights as any associate member and the fact that they have joined under the membership fee waiver programme will not be public.
    Note: Regular members and associate members are allowed to vote on this item.
  7. Election to Board
  8. Any other business


Draft Minutes are available.

Details of the board election for 2014 can be found at the project wiki.