StateoftheMap Organizing Committee/Minutes/2019/2019-05-23 Meeting
Most discussions of the SotM Working Group happen on GitHub issues (private repository). The meetings take place every second Monday on the Mumble server of HOT project. The frequency of the meetings might increase in the last weeks before the conference.
These minutes are no formal minutes but serve to inform the membership about the activity of the working group. There is no guarantee that all meetings are minuted. See also our entries on
Time and location: 2019-05-23 21:00 CEST, HOT Mumble Server
- Start Early Bird Ticket Sales
- Hebelhalle
- Catering at Poster Event
- Publishing of Minutes
- Sabrina
- Martin
- Fabian
- Christine
- Mikel
- Gregory
- Marco
- Melanie
- Rachel
Ticket sales
- have stated now after a few initial configuration issues
- standalone extras can't be booked at the moment. they will be available "offline" during the conference
- newsletter and blog post will be published soon
- Adam has prepared a newsletter message
- After phone call all issues with the contract are resolved. Contract will be signed in a few weeks mid June.
- Further planning of the social event can continue now. Cantering, etc.
- Sindbad is our current idea for catering for the social event
- For poster session: Finger food would be nice. Were still waiting for their quote for that.
- Another idea for the poster session: self-brew "sotm" beer
- Conference catering by GVO: Current quote doesnt include drinks. A few – one or two – volunteers would be needed for managing drinks. Different options: small plastic/glass bottles, water dispensers, etc.
Publication of Minues
- Michael will take care of that
Reserved Beds at DJH Youth Hostel
- They will be used for scholars, video team. More?
- What to do with remaining beds? We have to decide until July 23.
Management of Helpers
- begin of end of the shifts is not known yet, depends on programme
- 2–3 people approached university so far
- Where do we need helpers:
- help desk – first day mostly
- catering (partially)
- social events
- video (could also be done by normal community members)
- heralding (programme committee and community members)
- 2 persons for touristic social event on Friday
- setup
- teardown
- first day: guide people around - e.g. from tram station to conference. additionally to signage
- people present in the foyer during the first hours of the conference for people having questions
- Do we need a meditation room?
- We will ask Marco whether the room in Milan was used.
Next Meeting
- 6 June 21:00 CEST
The meeting ended at 21:40 CEST.