StateoftheMap Organizing Committee/Minutes/2018/2018-07-23 Meeting

From OpenStreetMap Foundation

Most discussions of the SotM Working Group happen on GitHub issues (private repository). The meetings take place every second Monday on the Mumble server of HOT project. The frequency of the meetings might increase in the last weeks before the conference.

These minutes are no formal minutes but serve to inform the membership about the activity of the working group. There is no guarantee that all meetings are minuted. See also our entries on

GitHub issue numbers are given in braces.

Time and location: 2018-07-09 19:00 UTC, HOT Mumble server

Present: Alessandro, Benoît, Christine, Francesco, Gregory, Mikel, Rob

Lead: Rob


  • one scholar still without visa
  • hand cash for scholars on Friday is deposited by Frederik in their hotel

Poster entries


  • waiting for a bank account number to transfer the money


  • 400 blank lanyards arrived
  • tomorrow 3 people will write the nametags
  • Rob unhappy about approach, preferred digital solution discussed last week


  • arrived


  • Special Session
    • description to be reviewed and published on the website
    • slides: Gregory has not incorporated the requested changes by the working groups yet
  • Overpass session:
    • asking Roland via email for a changed title and description

All Speakers need a ticket

  • CityZen talk not signed up but wrote that he will do
  • a lightning tallk dropped out
  • namespaces LT: speaker not sure if he can attend, we did receive any further response by him, session to be left in the programme
  • Daniel Mietchen LT: will buy ticket after he is back from Wikimania conference, likely tomorrow

  • Rob pulled slides together, they look ok
  • Rob will add public Telegram group

Older Minutes

  • waiting to be published (when Michael has time to do)

Blog post

  • published on the website
  • the Google doc looks to be good to be sent via email to all attendees
  • other content for that email:
    • public gathering on Friday evening: no plans yet
      • Alessandro suggests near Wikimedia office, it is a big building with bars around
      • Alessandro to ask those who know the nightlife in Milan better than himself
      • more details tomorrow

Opening sessions

  • slides posted on GitHub
  • Michael suggests to add metro map showing location of
  • question if there is a shorter URL than the existing Telegram channel join URL
    • solution: short URL in slides, QR code/URL printed and hang up at several locations in the venue


  • aim to publish them in the week after the conference
  • no extra payment necessary
  • there is a lot to do on the survey for non-attendees

Communication during SotM (in the team)

  • link to Telegram group shared

Duplicated Talk

  • Proposals:
    • remove non-academic talk, move Pauls talk into it
    • remove academic talk, use backup academic
  • decision for the latter

Local code of conduct person

  • Italian speaking volunteer is Francesca
  • She is available if Gregory is not present or they don't want to talk to Gregory.

Differences between printed guidebook and online programme

  • Lunch and afternoon break in booklet and on the website are different. Decision: lunch like booklet, last break as online

First meeting with volunteers

  • was last week

Cash during the event

  • How will we manage cash of last-minutes signups in the venue and purchases of tickets for the social event

Leftover T-shirts

  • Leftover T-shirts can be sold by the local community as we did in Japan.

Next meeting

  • 13 August 2018

The meeting ended on 20:03 UTC.