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Licence/Community Guidelines/Trivial Transformations - Guideline: Difference between revisions

You may optionally change or augment the data in any way you want provided that you publish the result under ODbL in a format that can be read by the public.
If you have not changed or augmented the data, you clearly inform the users of your product or project where they can get the equivalent OpenStreetMap data from. You can make this available yourself, or you can point them back to where they can get the data directly from OpenStreetMap or one of its mirrors. The OpenStreetMap Foundation provides this a long-lasting URL that you can use: http://www.osmfoundation.org/wiki/How_To_Get_OpenStreetMap_Data.
You then run the data through a computer program that reads the OpenStreetMap data. Without reading any other observation data (important!), the computer program is able to change the format of the data according to an open source or proprietary algorithm. You then either write the result back to disk or use the result in your computer application. Such use might be: