
From OpenStreetMap Foundation

OpenStreetMap Foundation, Operations Meeting - Draft minutes

These minutes do not go through a formal acceptance process.
This is not strictly an Operations Working Group (OWG) meeting.

Thursday 12 December 2024, 19:00 London time
Location: Video room at https://osmvideo.cloud68.co


Minutes by Dorothea Kazazi.


Equinix Internet Schedule

Equinix Foundation has sponsored Internet connectivity. The connection is being installed more rapidly than expected.
Grant needs to test dual internet on the test Juniper EX4300 router.
DB4 has fibre modules already installed and will likely be the first location.

Other points mentioned during discussion

  • Equinix will probably have everything completed by end of next week.
  • Grant to test virtual routing setup with Raspberry Pis on different VLANs.
  • Amsterdam location needs new 10GB fiber modules, as we removed them when we did the conversion.
  • Grant has ordered modules from multiple suppliers for GBP 20 each to ensure getting genuine parts.
  • We got spare fiber patch leads in Dublin and they might even still be plugged in. We also should have spares in Amsterdam as well.

On Equinix subnets

  • We will get
    • One subnet at /27, which will be covering the uplink.
    • Second subnet at /30
  • While we could have the two subnets as a joined one, they do not recommend it, as it would become one broadcast domain.
  • There is no cost difference between a joined and two separate subnets.

Any other business

Email to Rapid

Related to the suggestion to add Rapid as a featured layer on www.osm.org.

Dorothea reminded that the OWG received an email about Rapid and they might want to reply.

Paul is drafting a response email to Rapid with requirements.

AArnet servers

The service continues running past its original turn-off date, which was set because they believed we were not using it.

  • Service is not vital, low urgency.
  • Grant is communicating with people about potential hosting.

Upgrade of RAM in Lockheed


  • We're hitting memory limits in Lockheed, which is a common issue with imagery machines.
  • Significant memory leak, as map service fast cgi handling is not designed to live for more than a couple of minutes.

Current status: Grant has put strict memory limits.

Other points mentioned during discussion

  • While we thought Lockheed would perform better than Kessie, it doesn't.
  • Grant has migrated all the imagery to Lockheed.


  • Short term - upgrade from 64 GB to 256 GB RAM at cost of GBP 260.
  • Long term: replace map server - but requires reprocessing the imagery in COGs, which can takes weeks.

Next meeting

25 December - cancelled.

Action items reviewed at the beginning of the meeting

  • 2024-11-14 Paul to add the cache control headers [Topic: budget]
  • 2024-11-14 Grant to talk to Mikel and Sarah and work out what we want to ask Equinix. [Topic: Equinix USA data center or Internet]
  • 2024-10-31 Paul to contact OMT about their application to be added as a featured layer on www.osm.org. [Topic: OpenMapTiles application]
  • 2024-10-31 Paul to look where OMT pulls their fonts from and their style file. [Topic: OpenMapTiles application]
  • 2024-10-31 Paul to email the board about the Rapid application to be added as a featured layer on www.osm.org [Topic: Editor inclusion policy]
  • 2024-10-31 Paul to contact OMT about their application to be added as a featured layer on www.osm.org. [Topic: OpenMapTiles application]
  • 2024-10-31 Paul to look where OMT pulls their fonts from and their style file. [Topic: OpenMapTiles application]
  • 2024--09-19 Grant to create a ticket for action item 2024-08-08 OPS to evaluate Fastly Security (DDOS) Protections we could use. [Topic: Cloudflare / Fastly]
  • 2024--09-19 Grant to create an IP blocklist. [Topic: Cloudflare keep enabled?][2024-09-19 Reportage] - Discussion during 2024-07-25 OPS to make a reasonable evaluation whether to go with Cloudflare, Fastly or none.
  • 2024--09-19 Grant to confirm that the AArnet servers will be removed and to ask the Australian community whether there is interest in hosting/providing a render server in Australia or Asia/Pacific [2024-09-19 topic: AArnet Servers going away]
  • 2024-08-22 Guillaume to make a limited in scale experiment to assess impact and practicality. E.g. look if there are clients that say they support WEBP and don't. [Topic: Fastly image recoding]
  • 2024-08-22 Guillaume to keep OPS in the loop about what Fastly says. [Topic: Fastly image recoding]
  • 2024-08-22 Grant to talk to Guillaume on setting up the testing about image recoding and shielding. [Topic: Fastly image recoding]
  • 2024-07-25 OPS to make a reasonable evaluation whether to go with Cloudflare, Fastly or none. [Topic: Cloudflare keep enabled?]
  • 2024-06-27 OPS to do capacity planning for tile.openstreetmap.org [Topic: rhaegel usage?]

Action items that have been stricken-through are completed, removed, or have been moved to GitHub tickets.