OpenStreetMap Foundation, Operations Meeting - Draft minutes
These minutes do not go through a formal acceptance process.
This is not strictly an Operations Working Group (OWG) meeting.
Thursday 26 January 2023, 19:00 London time
Location: Video room at https://osmvideo.cloud68.co
- Tom Hughes (OWG)
- Grant Slater (OWG)
- Yuri Astrakhan (joined `8' after start)
- Craig Allan (OSMF board)
- Paul Norman (OWG)
- Guillaume Rischard (OSMF board)
Minutes by Dorothea Kazazi.
New action item from this meeting
- Grant Slater to check whether Tabaluga is still under supply warranty. [Any other business: TagInfo server]
Forum content migration to Discourse
openstreetmap/operations ticket 604: forum content migration to discourse |
It's a bit slow due to issues with the user migration.
osmfoundation/welcome-mat ticket 84: https://welcome.osm.org/ shows sports gambling site instead?? |
When someone opens welcome.osm.org, an unrelated site is shown instead of the content at welcome.openstreetmap.org
welcome.openstreetmap.org was created by Mikel, hosted on Github pages. Someone has created a fake repo on Github pages and hijacked the welcome.osm.org name.
Grant has dockerised welcome.osm.org - Pull request nearly ready.
Report on database upgrade
openstreetmap/operations ticket 548: Plan API database PostgreSQL upgrade |
Yuri joined 8' after start.
- Tom gave a report on the upgrade to postgres 15 on last Sunday's maintenance. The upgrade went smoothly. Minor issues with rsync symlinks and slave config, but quickly resolved. Post return to service JIT caused an issue and was disabled. Most indexes have now been rebuilt with a few expected to be completed over the next few days.
- wal-g basebackups should now be compatible with the version of postgres we use. Tom will try run a wal-g basebackup when suitable.
Thanks page
https://www.openstreetmap.org/about currently thanks our hosting partners. |
Grant: Briefly discussed that some hosting donors needs updating to current situation. Discussion with Paul required.
Fastly rate-limiting meeting
Grant: Postponed until Paul available.
Future of eddie and karm
eddie and karm are read only database mirrors for www.openstreetmap.org |
- Machines are reaching end-of-life as database servers, but could be repurposed for other tasks. Need to decide on purposes.
- snap-02 needs to move to Amsterdam or Dublin. Extra DB server needed.
Further discussion is required.
Any other business
TagInfo server
Suggestion: use Tabaluga instead of grindtooth for Taginfo server.
- More disk space might be needed.
- Tabaluga current issues:
- 12V error warning on power supply.
- Failing flash memory. Grant has tried to reset it a few times.
- Previous Tabaluga issues:
- Motherboard battery leak.
- Disk controller battery replaced.
Action item: Grant to check whether Tabaluga is still under supply warranty.
OS upgrades
openstreetmap/operations ticket 659: Upgrade servers to Ubuntu 22.04 |
- Ridley - runs CiviCRM.
Not to be upgraded:
- Clifford - Old forum.
- Draco - to be scrapped soon.
- Drogon - not visible on the network for some time.
Open Operations Tickets
Review open tickets, what needs policy and what needs someone to help with.
- https://github.com/openstreetmap/operations/issues
- https://github.com/orgs/openstreetmap/projects/1
- https://github.com/orgs/openstreetmap/projects/1/views/2?filterQuery=-is%3Aclosed
Action items
- 2023-01-26 Grant Slater to check whether Tabaluga is still under supply warranty. [Any other business: TagInfo server]
- 2023-01-12 Guillaume Rischard to look at bandwidth stats for next OPS meeting to make predictions for future consumption. [Reportage: Network upgrades AM6]
- 2023-01-12 Grant Slater to experiment with Netbox. [Topic: Asset management]
- 2023-01-12 Grant Slater to email Slough to see if he can make any arrangements. [Reportage: Decommissioning]
- 2022-12-15 Guillaume Rischard to make sure Grant does the forum to Discourse migration. [Topic: Forum to Discourse https://github.com/openstreetmap/operations/issues/604 ] # 2022-12-29 In progress. # 2023-01-12 In progress'
- 2022-12-15 Grant Slater to produce a pull request and finish the OSQA one. [Topic: Containerisation of small services https://github.com/openstreetmap/operations/issues/807] # 2022-12-29 In progress.
- 2022-11-03 [Network upgrades AM6] Guillaume Rischard to talk with Clement / Open Source ISP about reliability and get insurances that the virtualised Layer2 links to Paris will be reliable. # 2022-11-17 Pending # 2022-12-29 Changed from "OPS" to "Guillaume".
- 2022-09-22 [Network upgrades @ AM6] Grant Slater and Guillaume Rischard to talk to Clement about the options for network upgrades. # 2022-10-06 Guillaume talked with Clement.
- 2022-09-22 [Network upgrades @ AM6] Guillaume Rischard to provide a schema at next meeting.
- 2022-09-22 [Network upgrades @ AM6] Grant Slater and Guillaume Rischard to work out all the costs involved for option 1.
- 2022-09-08 Grant Slater to document Chef testing. [Topic: How to get more people involved] # 2022-09-22 Chef kitchen tests running locally. # 2022-11-03 pending. #2022-11-17 Pending # 2022-12-29 In progress. # 2023-01-12 In progress - one of the rests fails randomly.
- 2022-07-14 Guillaume Rischard to ask Brian Sperlongano about OpenMapTiles and YAML, to do a test run. [Topic: Vector tile status]. # 2022-09-22: Suspended for a while. Brian is back at school and has no time to work on this. Guillaume will try to move vector tiles forward with someone else. # 2022-12-29 Still suspended.
- 2020-12-02 [AWS] Grant Slater to develop some thoughts on what is next for us using AWS. [Topic: AWS] # 2021-05-19 & 2021-06-02 & 2021-06-16 postponed for a few weeks. # 2022-12-29 In progress.
- 2020-07-29 [AWS] Grant Slater to enable background sync to AWS S3. [Topic: Ironbelly] #2020-08-12&26 & 2021-06-02 Manually run, automated scripting to be added. # 2021-05-19 Grant to run the script again. # 2022-04-09 Still manually run. # 2022-09-22 wants to make sure there are absolutely minimum permissions. # 2022-12-29 In progress. # 2023-01-12 Still manually run. Grant to look at the policies together with Paul.
- 2020-07-01 Paul Norman to create a ticket about solutions to reduce incoming communications. [Topic:Revision of acceptable use policy to reduce incoming comms] # 2021-05-19 decision to leave the action item open. # 2021-06-02 discussion about priority for account deletion. # 2022-04-09 Grant can show Paul how to do that with autoresponder which Tom built. Might be better to work on an online form (action item below).
- 2020-07-01 Grant Slater to work out some of the questions for an online form as a solution to reduce incoming comms. [Topic: Revision of acceptable use policy to reduce incoming comms] 2020-08-12 need to think about the reply # 2021-05-19 decision to leave the action item open. # 2022-04-09 Grant is thinking about examples. Suggestion to add what is considered large for tile usage.
- 2020-04-10 Grant Slater to work out a table of different data bits, work out how they are backed up and what can be potentially improved. [Topic: High Availability / redundancy of OpenStreetMap.org (and primary services)] # 2021-05-19 decision to leave the action item open. # 2021-06-02 pending.
Meeting adjourned 33' after start.
Next meeting
Thursday 9 February 2023, 19:00 London time, unless rescheduled.
Operations meetings are currently being held every two Thursdays, at 19:00 London time.
Online calendar showing the OPS meetings.