Local Chapters and Communities Working Group/Meeting minutes/2021-08-30
LCCWG 2021-08-30 meeting
Meeting started at 14:06 UTC.
0. Attendance
Not present
- Patrick - CH
- Charles - ZM
- Rob - UK
- Sophie - HOT
- Naveen - IN
- Anisa - IT
- Jorge - PT
- Jonathan - BE
- Joost - BE
- Besfort - XK
- Eugene - PH
- Geoffrey - UG
- Maggie - US
- Adam - UK
- Naveen - IN (joined 14:10)
1. Administrative
1.1. Meeting chair
- Eugene will chair this month's meeting
1.2. Approval of the 2021-07-25 meeting minutes
- https://hackmd.io/@lccwg/rkqagB2Ru
- approved
2. Main agenda
2.1. Support the development of Microcosms (GL#7)
- No updates
2.2. Provide a tool for communities to welcome new mappers (GL#8)
- Demo environment: https://osm-welcome-tool.herokuapp.com/
- GitHub repository: https://github.com/osmbe/osm-welcome-belgium/tree/2.x
- Where to host?
- can be hosted by osmbe for now
- if it turns out to be slow for people from far away, we will look into other options
- When and how to communicate?
- Add to Local Chapters Congress.
- Don't use in production yet! Database might be purged
2.3. Develop/design local community website template/tool (GL#13)
- No updates.
2.4. Update the OSM website to highlight Local Chapters (GL#14)
- Adam has submitted a PR on the openstreetmap-website repo: https://github.com/openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website/pull/3301
- Adam will share screenshots on the LCCWG Telegram group.
- Might need help with translations. Available in Transifex.
2.5. Moderation subcommittee updates
- There was a live public discussion last August 21 for the draft process for moderation.
- https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Etiquette/Etiquette_Guidelines
- Public comments up until September 8
- General comment on the simplicity of language vs. better translations
- Next discussion will be for the new Etiquette guidelines.
- Hopefully the whole thing will be complete by the end of September.
2.6. Best practices around doing paid work for local chapters
- Joost sent a summary to the working group. The document also includes the complete answers.
- Eugene: One of the points for discussion is around doing paid mapping work. Some types of paid work is not really controversial, but paid mapping work might not sit well with some segments of the OSM community.
2.7. Local Chapters and Communities Congress 2021 (GL#10)
- https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Foundation/Local_Chapters/Local_Chapters_Congress/2021
- Request Jess to create logo/graphic
- Add question to registration form for additional topics.
- Schedule:
- Sep 15: Set-up wiki page with TBD program
- Sep 15: Open up registration
- Sep 15: Blog post to announce + weeklyOSM
- Oct 15: Reminder blog post + announcement
- Oct 31: Finalize program
- Nov 5: Close registration
- We'll try Airmeet; OSM US can share the tutorial they used for Mapping US event
- Discuss further over Telegram
3. Other business
- None
4. Next meeting
Next meeting is on September 27 starting at 14:00 UTC.
Meeting ended at 15:17 UTC.