Local Chapters and Communities Working Group/Meeting minutes/2021-07-25
LCCWG 2021-07-25 meeting
Meeting started at 14:07 UTC.
0. Attendance
Not present
- Patrick - CH
- Charles - ZM
- Besfort - XK
- Rob - UK
- Sophie - HOT
- Naveen - IN
- Joost - BE (with apologies)
- Adam - UK
- Eugene - PH
- Geoffrey - UG
- Maggie - US
- Anisa - IT
- Jorge - PT
- Jonathan - BE
1. Administrative
1.1. Approval of the 2021-06-28 meeting minutes
https://hackmd.io/pdj-DhRYRAOtE9vN6aHWmA accepted
1.2. Guest: Can Ünen from Turkey
- Can will be observing today's meeting and may decide to formally join the WG in the future.
1.4. Previous action items
Items in bold are updates in status or new action items.
Assigned | Item | Status | Source |
Maggie, Clifford | Support the development of Microcosms | Ongoing (GL#7) |
2020-02 meeting |
Maggie, Joost | Provide a tool for communities to welcome new mappers | Ongoing (GL#8) |
2020-04 meeting |
Ben | Update OSM website to allow affiliated groups to message OSM users | Ongoing (GL#9) |
2020-04 meeting |
All | Resolve overlapping OSMF and LC membership scheme | Ongoing (GL#11) |
2020-06 meeting |
Eugene | Improve the affiliation scheme of the OSMF | Not yet started (GL#12) |
GL#5 |
All | Develop/design local community website template/tool | Ongoing (GL#13) |
2020-09 meeting |
Adam | Update OSM website to highlight LCs | Ongoing (GL#14) |
2020-10 meeting |
Maggie/Anisa | State of the Map presentation link | ongoing | 2021-4 meeting |
Joost | bring together points of views from Local Chapters about how they deal with paid work | asked Dorothea for contacts | 2021-4 meeting |
2. WG focus items
Per the Terms of Reference, WG members should work on the focus items.
2.1. Building local community cohesion
2.1.1. Support the development of Microcosms (GL#7)
- No updates
2.1.2. Provide a tool for communities to welcome new mappers (GL#8)
- New Telegram group: https://t.me/joinchat/3uhmDd82D4A0ZDRk
- Progress and updates are posted to the group.
- Jonathan started working on migrating the tool to use OSM API and OSMCha?
- Meeting not really needed.
2.1.3. Develop/design local community website template/tool (GL#13)
- OSM US: Start a Technical Working Group. Goal is to put an US-style map on their home page. TWG is open to anybody in the world.
2.1.4. Update the OSM website to highlight Local Chapters (GL#14)
- Adam:
- Issue created: https://github.com/openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website/issues/3256
- Adam will work on this and has somebody who knows Ruby if he gets stuck.
2.2. Facilitating a global exchange of ideas
2.2.1. Moderation subcommittee
- Draft of the moderation process is now on the OSM Wiki: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Etiquette/Process_for_Moderation
- Draft of the new Etiquette guideline: https://files.osmfoundation.org/apps/onlyoffice/s/zy4ymsiTZWez9BX?fileId=16520
- Process hopefully done by September.
- Subcommittee will provide an update to the Board during this month's OSMF Board meeting on July 30.
2.2.2. SotM 2021
- No recoding
- Follow up at the congress
2.2.3. Local Chapters and Communities Congress 2021
- We need to check if we can use Airmeet for free (maybe talking with OSGeo)
- Maggie: Mapping USA used Airmeet which makes it more of a "social event"
- BBB as a backup alternative
- Wiki from 2020: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Foundation/Local_Chapters/Local_Chapters_Congress/2020
- Draft form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdW8oYvVlD59y7pUUyKb6X6rkPuJPPACf22cB_IQGwKVTRu2Q/viewform
- Eugene: create a logo
- Eugene: OSM diary entry using LCCWG account
- Program committee (setup program & decide on ticketing/registration service)
- Maggie
- Jorge
- Anisa
- Jonathan
2.2.4. Best practices around doing paid work for local chapters
- Joost sent out an email thread and with some responses.
- Ask Joost to forward any direct replies.
- WG to collate and eventually draft best practices.
2.3. Improving the Local Chapters affiliation scheme
2.3.1. Resolve overlapping OSMF and LC membership scheme (GL#11)
- Drop this for now.
2.3.3. Improve the affiliation scheme of the OSMF (GL#12)
- Possible topic for the Congress.
3. Other business
3.1. 17-hour mapathon
- Wiki page: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenStreetMap_17th_Anniversary_Birthday_party
- Specific hashtag:
- Each community can choose what will be mapped
- Ask Amanda to send stickers to local communities?
- Anisa: to create a wiki page for the 17 mapathon
- Maggie: Create a short meeting before the event.
4. Next meeting
Next meeting is on August 30 starting at 14:00 UTC.
Meeting ended at 15:17 UTC.