Local Chapters and Communities Working Group/Meeting minutes/2021-05-31
LCCWG 2021-05-31 meeting
Meeting started at 14:06 UTC.
0. Attendance
Not present
- Patrick - CH
- Charles - ZM
- Jonathan - BE (with apologies)
- Maggie - US
- Besfort - XK
- Rob - UK
- Sophie - HOT
- Naveen - IN
- Anisa - IT
- Adam - UK (joined 14:15)
- Jorge - PT
- Eugene - PH
- Joost - BE
- Geoffrey - UG (joined 14:10)
1. Administrative
1.1. Approval of the 2021-04-26 meeting minutes
https://hackmd.io/kaoy0JTURt21yX7HjrdFNg?view accepted
1.4. Previous action items
Items in bold are updates in status or new action items.
Assigned | Item | Status | Source |
Maggie, Clifford | Support the development of Microcosms | Ongoing (GL#7) |
2020-02 meeting |
Maggie, Joost | Provide a tool for communities to welcome new mappers | Ongoing (GL#8) |
2020-04 meeting |
Ben | Update OSM website to allow affiliated groups to message OSM users | Ongoing (GL#9) |
2020-04 meeting |
All | Resolve overlapping OSMF and LC membership scheme | Ongoing (GL#11) |
2020-06 meeting |
Eugene | Improve the affiliation scheme of the OSMF | Not yet started (GL#12) |
GL#5 |
All | Develop/design local community website template/tool | Ongoing (GL#13) |
2020-09 meeting |
Adam | Update OSM website to highlight LCs | Ongoing (GL#14) |
2020-10 meeting |
Maggie/Anisa | State of the Map presentation link | ongoing | 2021-4 meeting |
Joost | bring together points of views from Local Chapters about how they deal with paid work | not started | 2021-4 meeting |
2. WG focus items
Per the Terms of Reference, WG members should work on the focus items.
2.1. Building local community cohesion
2.1.1. Support the development of Microcosms (GL#7)
2.1.2. Provide a tool for communities to welcome new mappers (GL#8)
- Clifford's OSM-US version: https://welcome.snowandsnow.us
- Main issue for the US: entire US, because built on Pascal Neis's RSS
- Relatively easy to set up.
- Italy's tool that's based on Belgium's tool is not updated. OSM IT wants to add more features.
- Biggest issue for getting the tool used is finding people who will actually do the welcoming.
- If someone is available to help people set up their insatnce on one server, that might make life much easier
- Jorge volunteer to see the feasibility of extending the tool to accommodate multiple communities.
- Joost to help set-up a meeting between Anisa, Stefano, Midgard and Clifford.
2.1.3. Update OSM website to allow affiliated groups to message OSM users (GL#9)
2.1.4. Develop/design local community website template/tool (GL#13)
2.1.5. Update the OSM website to highlight Local Chapters (GL#14)
- Adam: From site admin: Give a longer term vision for how the website should look like.
- Adam: Work with Brian of Microcosm.
- Adam:
- Submit an issue for the openstreetmap-website GitHub repo
- Do the actual work (Adam knows a Ruby dev to help)
2.1.6 Talking with local and national governments (GL#16)
2.2. Facilitating a global exchange of ideas
2.2.1. Moderation subcommittee
- Michal provided an update during the May OSMF Board meeting.
2.2.2. SotM 2021
- Approved submission: https://pretalx.com/sotm2021/talk/review/NPSEZMVEANQSSXHZRHYSX3AQ8WUAHXEL
- Accepted as a panel
- We should pre-record short clips (about 5 minutes) about what we do. Who? By when?
- Anisa and Adam volunteer to help out
- Anisa will follow up with Maggie
- SotM website: Deadline for submission is on June 6th should be entirely ready (in theory)
- Maybe confirm with SotMWG if this is the final deadline?
- Confirm again with WG members who can submit videos.
2.2.3. Best practices around doing paid work for local chapters
- What question to ask? How do they deal with paid work?
- Do you pay someone for organizational support? What kind of work do they do?
- Is there other work you pay for yourself? How do you finance this?
- Do you help people who need someone to do paid work for them? If so how? And what kind of work? What about paid mapping?
- Do you this yourself or with an umbrella? (we kind of already know)
- What do you feel is appropriate for Local Chapters to do?
- Joost to do this mini-survey
2.3. Improving the Local Chapters affiliation scheme
2.3.1. Resolve overlapping OSMF and LC membership scheme (GL#11)
- No updates
2.3.3. Improve the affiliation scheme of the OSMF (GL#12)
- No updates
3. Next meeting
Next meeting is on June 28 starting at 14:00 UTC.
Meeting ended at 15:05 UTC.