Local Chapters and Communities Working Group/Meeting minutes/2020-04-20

From OpenStreetMap Foundation

Meeting started at 17:04 UTC.



  • Ben - BE
  • Clifford - US
  • Eugene - PH
  • Joost - BE
  • Maggie - US (joined at around 17:10)
  • Rob - UK

Not present

  • Patrick - CH
  • Stefano - IT


Approval of the 2020-03-23 meeting minutes

Local Chapters and Communities Working Group/Meeting minutes/2020-03-23

  • Unanimously approved

Previous action items

Items in bold and highlighted are updates in status or new action items.
Assigned Item Status Source
Clifford Run a survey with existing chapters and chapters-to-be to get their views why they applied/will apply to become a chapter Ongoing: Survey is closed. Review of responses is not yet started
(Issue #2)
2019-11 meeting
Maggie, Rob Plan for an online/virtual series of Local Chapters Congress events Ongoing
(Issue #3)
2020-01 meeting
Joost Do a comparison of features of various OSM websites Ongoing
(Issue #1)
2020-01 meeting
All Work with OSM India to become a Local Chapter Not yet
(Issue #5)
2020-02 meeting
Eugene Request OSMF Board for funding for 1 or 2 LCCWG members to attend SotM 2020 Not done: Moot due to cancelation of in-person SotM
(Issue #6)
2020-02 meeting
Maggie, Clifford Support the development of microcosm Ongoing
(Issue #7)
2020-02 meeting
All Sign NDA with the OSMF Ongoing Internal OSMF communication related to Local Chapters Survey

Focus items

Per the Terms of Reference, WG members should work on the focus items.

Building local community cohesion

We will explore and develop ideas for the Foundation support the growth of Local Chapters and local communities, including helping mappers communicate or meet up with other local mappers, and working to reduce the challenges created by the fragmented nature of OSM.


See GitLab issue #7.

  • Maggie hasn't heard back from Brian. We need Brian's lead in order to push forward.

Welcoming new mappers

Background: Joost opened GitLab issue #8 with the title "Welcoming new mappers" and the description "It's something we would like to see happen all over the world. It is not currently an action item though. Some history at https://github.com/osmlab/osm-planning/issues/13"

  • Action item: The WG agreed to tackle this as two sub-tasks:
    • Sub-task 1: Allow recognized groups and organizations (for now, Local Chapters, as an incentive to becoming a LC) to send messages to OSM users
      • Update the OSMF's Terms of Use to allow messaging from approved entities: this needs to go through the Board and the LWG.
      • Implement/add an API to the OSM website to allow sending of messages to OSM users from approved LCs.
    • Sub-task 1: Set up one of the functioning tools for welcoming new mappers to be used by as many groups as possible.
      • One tool that can be adopted is OSMBE's welcoming tool (or OSM IT's fork), but only as a first step, we want to integrate in OSM.org in future, maybe as part of microcosm.
      • Maggie and Joost will set up an open call for collaborations on the topic.

Facilitating a global exchange of ideas

We will aim to provide Local Chapters and local communities with venues and communication channels to exchange ideas and share best practices in growing their communities. This may include reviving/managing the local-chapters mailing list and organizing sessions like the Local Chapters Congress during State of the Map or other events.

Comparison of OSM websites

See GitLab issue #1.

  • Ongoing; comparison doesn't yet include UK, BE, and CZ.

SotM 2020/Online Local Chapters and Communities Congress (LCCC)

See GitLab issue #3.

Background: SotMWG has announced that SotM 2020 will switch to an online/virtual conference instead due to the pandemic.

  • As agreed before, WG will analyse the survey results and this will inform the agenda of the LCCC.
  • No progress yet on the approved SotM session. (The WG could simply just present the results of the survey and introduce the work done by the WG).

Improving the Local Chapters affiliation scheme

We will review the role of Local Chapters within the Foundation and the interactions between them. Based on our findings we will make recommendations to the Board as to how the affiliation scheme can be improved to provide a stronger case for local communities to eventually become Local Chapters, or possibly suggest creating new affiliation models such as less-formal user groups.

Local Chapters survey

See GitLab issue #2.

  • Clifford has closed the survey form and will provide the responses to the WG this week (and provide the raw data to Joost who can possibly transform the responses into a more digestible form)
  • Sub-action item: WG's assignment will be to read and analyse the responses picking up any insights and actionable items.

Working with OSM India

See GitLab issue #5.

  • Clifford stated that OSM India did not respond to the survey. Clifford will try contacting the community again.
  • Eugene will also try helping by contacting people he knows from the Indian community.

Other business

Non-disclosure agreement

  • Has everybody signed the NDA and submitted it back to Dorothea?
    • Done: Joost, Clifford, ...
    • Not done: others

Continue using BigBlueButton?

Background: The Board has decided to try switching from Mumble to BigBlueButton (BBB) for their monthly meetings. They had a BBB server set up for the OSMF at https://osmvideo.cloud68.co/. The WG had decided to try using the system for this present meeting.

  • The WG agreed to continue using BBB instead of Mumble.

Other news

Next meeting

Next meeting will be on May 18 (third Monday), 17:00 UTC. Eugene will send a calendar invite.

Meeting ended at 18:00 UTC.