Licence/Waiver and Permission Templates/Template text for aerial imagery waivers
Template text for aerial imagery waivers for tracing for OpenStreetMap
For an OSM waiver generally:
For clarity and without limiting any other rights granted, [Entity] acknowledges and agrees that the
OpenStreetMap Foundation and the contributors and users of OpenStreetMap may use [name of
dataset] imagery from [Entity] to derive or extract data, including without limitation tracing and vector
feature extraction, and/or to produce derivative vector datasets, in each case for purpose of contribution
to OpenStreetMap, and [Entity] disclaims any rights in such derived or extracted data.
For a tracing waiver as to imagery already/to be released under CC BY/CC BY-NC/CC BY-SA:
For clarity and without limiting any other rights granted, with respect to any imagery [entity] has released
or releases in the future under a [CC BY/CC BY-NC/CC BY-SA] license, [Entity] waives any and all
conditions of the license that could conflict with or prohibit free and unencumbered use of that imagery to
derive or extract data, including without limitation tracing and vector feature extraction, and/or to produce
derivative vector datasets[, in each case for purpose of contribution to OpenStreetMap]**, and [Entity]
expressly disclaims any rights in, or use conditions on, such derived or extracted data.
**“in each case for purpose of contribution to OpenStreetMap” should be included if the entity wants this
tracing waiver to apply to OSM only.