
From OpenStreetMap Foundation

If you would like to apply for a GPS receiver under the GPStogo scheme, please email the following details to

Subject: GPStogo Application

Name: your name Address: your address Country: your country of permanent residence

OSM username: the name used when contributing to OSM I confirm that my edits have been marked as public: Yes/No

Constraints Please list any constraints about the GPS receiver specification that we should take into consideration. For example unusual mains voltage, or can run from AA batteries due to no mains power, or cannot read memory cards so must have aserial interface, etc.

Preferences Please mention any specific preferences that are important to you. Perhaps you are already familiar with a specific GPS model, or perhaps you would like to use it in conjunction with a Bluetooth phone, etc.

Other contributions: details of other notable contributions to OSM that you would like to be taken into consideration.

What happens next?

Applications will be reviewed by OSMF once a month. You will be informed whether or not your application has met the criteria.

If you application meets the criteria your OSM username will be added to the approved applicant list. Depending on the number of other applications and the volume of donations it may be some time before a GPS unit is available. Please inform us if your circumstances change and you no longer need a GPS receiver.