CWG meeting 2021-11-01
Notes from the Communication Working Group November 2021 meeting
- Amanda
- Pete
- Mikel (chair)
- Ben (few minutes late)
Took place from 14:00Z to 14:30Z on 2021-11-01, on the OSMF BBB serve “The Boardroom”
- Mikel is reviewing minutes of last minutes
- Mikel reported on several LCCWG-related blog posts which have been published lately
- Pete agrees to “cover” the Local Chapter Congress.
- Pete hasn't done any Instagram or LinkedIn access, has only done blog work.
- No-one has anything to report on analytics software for the osm blog
- Mikel is removing write access from inactive users on the osm blog
- Amanda asked if there shoudl be blog post about the OSMF AGM, suggesting a post for voting opening, and results. Amanda will check with Dorothea for what happened in previous years.
- Amanda reported on the Promotional Material Programme, which hasn't changed and is still doing the same.
- Amanda asked about the Twitter Mastodon Cross poster. Amanda will talk to Grant who has twitter access.
- Apologise for accidentally publishing a tweet about the AGM after the deadline.
- Ben might have some capacity to do more social media posting
- Mikel asked about the TV producer in USA who keeps trying to contact OSMF, and yet never seems to recieve or read the email replies from OSM(F)ers
- Mikel asked Ben how you get the OSM news out to people who are outside OSM
- Ben says coverage in mainstream media gets more attention, but “it has to happen *to* us, it's harder for us to do it”
- Amanda asks if ghost writing articles would help, Ben says no, and recommends talking about how OSM is better than the mainstream propritary maps like Google Maps. Presenting it as a different model for creating large useful dataset
- Amanda mentioned the previous “Crossing dublin without passing a pub” and how that got media attention.
- Pete mentione the Belgian & GeoChicha's “strees named after women” and could that be useful for general news media & wider world.
- Ben asks if there's any blog posts need editing feedback and whether there's any parts of OSMF want things posted (Pete mentioned the LCCWG one & the tactic map from Mateusz Konieczny)