Board Meeting Minutes 2013-07-30

From OpenStreetMap Foundation

Minutes of the

OpenStreetMap Foundation Board Meeting (Telephone Conference)

on 30 July 2013 at 21:00 BST / 22:00 CEST


Board members:

  • Matt Amos (slightly late)
  • Henk Hoff
  • Oliver Kühn
  • Dermot McNally
  • Simon Poole (chairing)
  • Frederik Ramm (minutes)


Previous Minutes

Approved unanimously (5 in favour - Matt joins immediately after this).

1. Informational: talk-de privacy discussion

Board is aware of privacy discussions on the talk-de mailing list regarding the inclusion of author information in the planet file. The Licence Working Group is considering the issue and will report to board about it.

2. AGM planning

The provisional date and time for this year's AGM is 7th September, 17:00, at the SOTM venue in Birmingham. There will be three open board positions; Michael Collinson will be asked to throw a coin about whether Matt or Dermot stand for re-election. E-Mail voting will be possible for board election and Articles of Association vote. Frederik responsible for sending out announcements. Latest legally possible announcement date is 16th August.

3. Status of AoA rewrite

The new AoA will be based on the current version of the Companies Act and will include the "Memorandum of Association", i.e. we'll only have one constitution document and not two. Board members will read the current draft and send feedback to Simon no later than 2nd August.

Next Meeting

We aim to have another meeting at the end of August (Doodle poll). Potentially also on Thursday immediately before the conference.

Meeting End

23:15 CEST